Honoria Glossop

is that a distributor cap off a Ford Mondeo?

Yeah but he was also the guy in the red cloak in Eyes Wide Shut, so he's gotta be in on the conspiracy somehow.

The only thing I remember about Hunter (which used to do graveyard shift re-runs on our local UHF channels in the mid-90s) is when the female lead hits a bad guy with her purse, then the bad guy says: 
"OUCH! What do you got, a brick in there?!" 
and she pulls a gun and goes: "Yeah and I've got a bullet in here!"

Buying a Selectric on eBay is a fools errand, those things are fragile ship anchors so you'd end up paying at least $40 on shipping alone. Craigslist or estate sales can get you functional units for $20-50 as long as you pick them up locally.

Warren G's next action vehicle:

As a water molecule, when I encounter metal sulfides in that oh-so special state of having a bunch of electrons, I get up in there and make real-life vitriol too.

Where Hef, the sacred skin mag ran
Fiberglass caverns measureless to man
Into that sunless sea