
I actually think the show has done a decent job at character development for Tony over the last few years. He may talk all this game, but at the end of the day he goes home alone to his impersonal apartment with its twin bed and hangs out with his goldfish. He is completely unhappy and desperately wants to change, but

Everytime I see a commercial for this, I think that Peter King is playing the father character.

Uh, excuse me, in the original Regular Show short they take acid and become Mordecai and /Benson/, not Mordecai and Rigby.

This article is the first time I've ever been exposed to a N'Sync music video and I thought they were surprisingly entertaining. I also liked their enthusiasm in the live video. I sort of want to go to an N'Sync concert now, it looks like a lot of fun.

This show is worth it simply for the "Fred, you live in a VAN down by the RIVER!" line.