
What is with saying the books are written like garbage? They're massive best sellers, if that's how you define garbage. If you don't like them, fine, but I don't see what's wrong with how they are written.

I was about to go off on how dumb this is, they must not understand how releasing 10 episodes on Netflix that you can binge watch on demand and pause as you please is completely different from having a marathon on TV.. When I remembered most people who have cable also have DVRs/TiVos so they can essentially do the

Ergh maybe you're right. I'm 25, and I feel like most people around my age grew up watching Friends reruns, but maybe that's not the case. It's not like Rachel having her baby was when Friends writing was at its best, so it's not like "classic" TV they're referencing either.

Ok but this article is about how the Song of Ice and Fire series will end, not Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones the book had an ending written a long time ago and GRRM is in no position to say what tone the show will end on.

I absolitely love Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill. This interview was kind of a bummer though since for basically every role he says he didn't like how it was cast, or credited, or edited, he wasn't asked back, etc.

This is really really disappointing, but I hope it leads to Craig doing something that isn't watered down by a network. He would be so great hosting a podcast/web series like The Kevin Pollak Chat Show.

They regularly have jokes about what a huge republican Mindy is. Did you catch her pro gun comment in this episode too?

Except Steve and Susan don't break up and NBC already did a US version of Coupling?

Grey's is one of my favorite shows but they really need to get some Indian doctors! They do have a diverse cast, but I can't think of any main characters who aren't American. It would be cool if they had some immigrant or first generation doctors. It's not a reality show, I'm not saying they need to be 100% realistic,