
Nate the Great, I got into a really good Midwestern University (won't name drop, but it's ranked with the Ivies) and I remember meeting another kid from Nashville. He went to MLK, and when he found out I'd gone to Antioch he blurted out, "How the hell did you get here?"

Yeah, I lived just on the border of Nashville and Antioch so I rarely went out with my co-workers just because the 30-45 minute commute annoyed the hell out of me. But whenever I did go out I was usually the only black person at the venue. I've been in that position before in a lot of different cities, but it seemed

Yeah, I lived just on the border of Nashville and Antioch so I rarely went out with my co-workers just because the 30-45 minute commute annoyed the hell out of me. But whenever I did go out I was usually the only black person at the venue. I've been in that position before in a lot of different cities, but it seemed

I've got some stories…I won't share them here, but lets just say that when I was at Antioch the racial tensions were still pretty thick.

I've got some stories…I won't share them here, but lets just say that when I was at Antioch the racial tensions were still pretty thick.

I was actually in college during the flood, but my parents still live there. I moved back for 2 years before heading for the east coast…mostly because the job market isn't great in Nashville unless you're in the healthcare industry.

I was actually in college during the flood, but my parents still live there. I moved back for 2 years before heading for the east coast…mostly because the job market isn't great in Nashville unless you're in the healthcare industry.

It isn't overwhelmingly white, but you don't become the country music capital of the world if you aren't steeped in southern white culture. When Fan Fest rolls around it's like stepping into one of Sean Hannity's wet dreams…as disturbing as that image is.

It isn't overwhelmingly white, but you don't become the country music capital of the world if you aren't steeped in southern white culture. When Fan Fest rolls around it's like stepping into one of Sean Hannity's wet dreams…as disturbing as that image is.

Yeah, but the Detroit 1-8-7 Pilot had that grating scene where they described the perfect way to eat a Coney. It was like the writing staff just searched wikipedia before they wrote the first episode.

Yeah, but the Detroit 1-8-7 Pilot had that grating scene where they described the perfect way to eat a Coney. It was like the writing staff just searched wikipedia before they wrote the first episode.

Her perpetually stuffed nose makes her sound like she's channeling the ghost of Biggie Smalls.

Her perpetually stuffed nose makes her sound like she's channeling the ghost of Biggie Smalls.

Yeah, we need to see some East Nashville on this show. I used to work at the Turnip Truck, so I really need to see that side of town portrayed so I can feel superior to this show for not getting the details just right.

Yeah, we need to see some East Nashville on this show. I used to work at the Turnip Truck, so I really need to see that side of town portrayed so I can feel superior to this show for not getting the details just right.

As a black man who lived in Nashville for 6 years, I can happily say that I avoided this entire segment of the city. Still love the place, but man am I glad that none of this ever penetrated my world.

As a black man who lived in Nashville for 6 years, I can happily say that I avoided this entire segment of the city. Still love the place, but man am I glad that none of this ever penetrated my world.

I can't get the fucking Family Matters theme out of my head…I don't even think they used it in the episode. WTF is going on!

I can't get the fucking Family Matters theme out of my head…I don't even think they used it in the episode. WTF is going on!

A friend did that to me at a bus stop once. I was pretty sure I was going to get my ass kicked by about 14 strangers, because no matter what you say no one is going to believe you. Of course after she did that I really did want to punch her.