
Do it to it Lars!

Do it to it Lars!

Thank you Disney, for giving a young Black kid the confidence to play roller hockey in Milwaukee's bleak inner city. If those kids in South Central LA could break dance their way through defensive formations, then so could I.

Thank you Disney, for giving a young Black kid the confidence to play roller hockey in Milwaukee's bleak inner city. If those kids in South Central LA could break dance their way through defensive formations, then so could I.

I feel personally robbed of the 8 additional Troy McClure centered episodes that would have aired by now.

Well said.

Her voice is distinct, no one is questioning that.

That pilot reminded me of all those awkward parties in college that I left early because the other black person they invited decided not to show up. 
Now if they made this show entirely about Hannah's mom or former boss taking spoiled hipsters down a notch I'd tune in every week.

I'm not sure if this tops the gif of Tyrion slapping the shit out of Joffrey's punk ass, but it's damn close.

Just wait until Lane starts phone stalking all those black women he now has access to. Matthew Weiner is about to make you all types of uncomfortable in season 5.

Why would that upset you? White people have been trying to play rock and roll for decades and they never seem to be too embarrassed.

Man…you should have had a longer list
Also…how are you going to include Fallout instead of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Fallout 3 is a great game don't get me wrong, but it was entirely built on the blueprint of Bethesda's superior work.

This was an awful, awful movie…
My brother damn near disowned me for suggesting this cinematic abortion.

I think the Nation of Islam already covered this…

Pfft…I hate lots of buildings.

I actually don't think 50 is all that dumb, he just doesn't have any talent. If you read or listen to his interviews (especially on radio shows) he's actually a pretty funny guy, and hell anyone who can turn his lack of talent into multimillion dollar contracts with coca-cola but still retain street credibility is a

Hey Avenue Hebrew, I hate white people too!

I believe Dave Chappelle handled this issue pretty well…

They don't want your business….neither do liquor or cigarette companies…

I always thought of him as the Krusty the Klown of hip-hop, what with his shoddy products and lack of discernible talent…