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I know, it just makes you want to move doesn't it?

Surely you've Benin the world long enough to know that will never happen on American TV.

You know, compared to last season's ride to the finaleā€¦

Pedantry is fun
What's 'second plash'? Do you mean its original usage of interweaving branches or twigs to form a hedge?

Nope, 4200 plus auxiliaries. Read a book.

At this time of year we're being cynical at home while Mom does our laundry.

Heart palpitations
Anyone remember Jolt? Is that stuff still around? Before I discovered the joys of 10 cups of coffee a day, I would drink 500 ml of Jolt in the morning. Sometimes I would feel dizzy and light-headed, and my doctor told me the cola was giving me heart palpitations.

Anyone else shiver when they read that bit about each of us being filled with Sean's seed? I was eating breakfast up to that point, then had to slowly push the bowl of cereal away.

There's no topping the Connery years, when the gadgets actually made sense.

@ Boojum: You're kidding right? You haven't actually attempted to size her breasts, have you?