Honey Bunches of Goats

Second this, though said with respect, the last three episodes were all excellent, with some genuinely iconic moments. But hey, the show is made by mortals and they must be totally spent. This week, the writing was weak, the actors seemed tired, and the new bland scenarios to set up requisite Wiig mugging almost made

The Black Jeopardy sketch was both a) actually funny and b) impressive because it breathed new life into what had become a rather tired set up of "black folks drive like this"/fish out of water jokes.

Some real solid prop work there.

Cecily Strong's Jemma ("I want some nibbows!") was a spot-on impression of Amy Childs from The Only Way Is Essex.

He said he liked HER BUTTHOLE!!!

Parts of this episode were quite weak, but c'mon, no love for Who's Afraid of Virginia Hamster? The cold open debate, Sink, Weekend Update, and Short Film were all good fun. I even liked the Escorts sketch if just for Blunt's maid who sounded like a character from a 70s BBC sitcom. Also, damn, Emily Blunt. She's as

Surely I can't be the only person who finds Hari Kondabolu tiresome, pious, self-serious, predictable, and just plain unfunny, right? I mean I would love to see more comics who aren't from the same suburban white mold. I have no issue with his political content. It's just so disappointing to see him always aim at the

Wow, the AVClub turned into a BDSM message board so gradually I didn't even notice…

Rachel Bloom would be the perfect Tonys host. You heard it here first.

I'm afraid it wasn't actually a real sketch but rather in-house NBC cross-promotion with a lame fattie-fall-down premise wrapped around it. Clearly shot on one of the show's actual obstacle courses, prominent use of the logo, no actual digs taken at the show's cheesy premise.

I have learned from this review that some people get tired of jokes about "Donald Duckin'" or "Pooh Bearing" or phrases like "fun bun and mud gun" or "drainer and stainer." I am not, and never will be, one of those people.

Anyone else annoyed that Church Lady stole a joke from Barack Obama? He made a very similar jab about Donald Trump, Celebrity Apprentice, and firing Gary Busey in the famous 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner, which happened to be just as the raid on Bin Laden's compound was starting up. It just annoyed me that

True story: my college girlfriend's middle name was Firuzeh (also Persian) and this association only made me like her more. She was also dark-haired and a little menacing. But she lacked the too-many-teeth smile.

"After divorcing an Upper West Side titan"

If you're really going to be a major stickler, you should be more annoyed that the exterior shot of the plane was a ginormous a380, which is NEVER used for LAX-JFK flights. And while we're at it, when exactly did Rebecca pass the California Bar? And wait, where was this non-specialty camp that drew campers from BOTH

"Mochalotta Chills" had Abbi dancing naked! And the "white power suit"!

Yes. Agreed. I think a B- is far more fair. The plotline felt like a warmed over leftover from the "Curb" writer's room. Tony Danza seemed about as stagey and self-congratulating for his own coolness in appearing on the show as Hillary Clinton did. The episode had a few decent chuckles but it mostly limped along.

I think you're severely underestimating this show if you think the writers just happened to realize the problem of Rebecca's unrequited obsession.

An A is grade inflation, a B or B+ seems far more honest. A fun slight episode with some good laughs. The "Abbi's Impersonating Ilana" plotline had great potential. Food Coops are insane miniature totalitarian societies run by the most obnoxious, self-important, and oversensitive people you'd ever hope to meet.

I'd raise your "highly doubt that was" to "am positively certain it wasn't."