I want to believe that the voice in the sewer was the locksmith from "Locked Out," Season One.
I want to believe that the voice in the sewer was the locksmith from "Locked Out," Season One.
Of course you're right about all this regarding the difference between Chinese accents versus Italian, Australian, German.
I definitely didn't hate it, but my first thought was gee maybe I should find out what this sounds like without SNL's typically shitty vocal-muddying sound mix.
That New Yorker story made me like her personally, for sure. And I find her kinda funny, but I can also understand why people don't like her. So please, don't feel guilty. You can welcome changing the white-dominated casting in TV and movies without feeling like you are obligated to like every non-white talent, no…
Tina's never been a great sketch performer. She's got a very narrow range. I feel like she has been in more scenes as a guest host or as Sarah Palin than she ever was in her days as an actual cast member, as she was quite busy as head writer and Update host.
This was not a perfect episode but really at a higher level in terms of tight, fresh writing and well-structured sketches. The Second Wife sketch wasn't just a great concept, it had a wonderfully steep descent into darkness. Even a standard accent-jokes scene like the Bronx moms had a coherent arc.
The debate sketch was well-written, it was just the mixed bag of performances that kept it from maximum impact.
If I can just add: it's fine if you ARE offended. I can see how for some messing with this imagery is too far. If you are genuinely upset, just don't assume that you're some how smarter or more aware than the advertisers. They also know that a certain portion of their key demographic is exhausted with these sorts of…
I'm pretty sure this exact reaction is precisely what the advertising team wanted. All my favorite websites and my most predictable outrage-of-the-day friends have been been talking about this for the last 24 hours. As a result people like me (college-educated, age 25+, relatively affluent prestige-drama consumers)…
I think the part where the middle-aged people encouraged a millennial to commit suicide is probably what struck goofjuice as "mean-spirited."
Somehow despite not being in the room, I was immediately able to visualize Lorne Michaels giving out a little self-satisfied chortle upon hearing the pitch for the sketch, and them murmuring, "Mmm yes these kids today." And then Marci Klein nodding vigorously and being like, "Great! Topical!"
I know they've beat this dead horse beyond recognition, but a little part of me was excited about Miley Cyrus hosting just because I thought it'd give us at least one good Vanessa Bayer centered sketch.
I respectfully disagree. I love how he nailed the way Trump says "China."
Why is everyone so hostile to the idea that Jeff Ross might make a very important point? I'm imagining the average Ross fan as a tubby fourteen year old suburban white boy who might spend a little bit too much time on 4Chan. Some of those basic stats (and the fact that he respects the humanity of the prisoners who…
Um, have you ever seen Don Rickles do a set? Because not sure your little rule [Citation Needed!] really applies.
Somewhere a smart-ass teenager is realizing that's funnier to respond to everything in a vocal-fry monotone and say things like "That's like, so preordained." "Oh my god, how deliberate." "That's so sequential."
I'm not a McKinnon detractor at all. Sure, she mugs for the camera (worst of all in RBG which is why I don't like it), but I think she usually stays clear of Kristen Wiig's mile-wide broadness and some of her funniest performances can just liven a scene rather than take it over. She was this crazy marginal presence in…
I hope you're right, both about Kenan (which I had not heard) and Mooney.
Ok perhaps this is heresy among these commenters, but as much as I love Kate McKinnon with the fire of a thousand suns, there's something about her Notorious RBG that I find tiring. Perhaps it's because the joke is unoriginal (essentially turning an internet meme into a character), or because the premise itself…
I think the most marginal people among the featured players are Kyle Mooney, Sasheer Zamata, and Michael Che. Pete Davidson seems safest among the newcomers because he's in the David Spade twerp slot, as he can always play a young kid/teenager role. Though to be honest, I'm not really sure what he brings other than…