Honey Bunches of Goats

I agree the walking away felt forced, as it was a heavy handed way of showing how the partners had abdicated their throne and lost their sway, which would have been a more gradual process. I feel like ending it in a cacophony with the partners realizing their new powerlessness would have been clear, and that the

"The King ordered it" is the new "Not great, Bob!"

It's like "Mr. Mom" never even happened!

Kate McKinnon is officially Sketch Viagra. "We left our baby in a tub!" "My next class is in here."

Yeah, but Noel's not commenting about the local quirks of continental audiences. He's acting (with tongue in cheek no doubt) as though a sizable city in a very very nearby country is an obscure backwater.

I love his utter disdain for Holland and Utrecht. I mean, he makes Holland sound like some remote godforsaken hell-hole and not a prosperous neighboring country that you can reach from England by ferry. What's more, Utrecht is a big university town twenty minutes from Amsterdam. This would be like successful New York

Avatar/comment synergy!

Favorite Sopranos quotation of all time. And perhaps one of the darkest longest laughs I have ever had.

He is both a younger version of the protagonist and at times a rival?

It's like some evil super-villain said, I WANT THE SOCIAL MEDIA STORY THAT MAKES THE AVCLUB COMMENTARIAT DEVOUR EACH OTHER, and the InternetConflictron3000™ spat out: "The Daily Show hires biracial international allegedly anti-Semitic or misogynist half-Jewish man to replace Jon Stewart."

Yes. And my only real issue is why it took me so long.

While I didn't love the piece, I think anyone finding controversy in a lame list of "my clueless man reminds me of my beloved pet" jokes simply because she included his ethnicity is thin-skinned and humorless.

Perhaps what I really meant is, I'm amazed at my fellow Jews' ability to take offense about innocuous New Yorker pieces clearly written by them and for them with no real malice.

I am amazed at people's ability to take offense at a woman making jokes about men of her own ethnicity being too attached to their moms or cheap. From the way people are cranking up their outrage, you would think she was comparing Jewish men to dogs by declaring that they roll in their own filth or belong in cages.

Yeah I saw both the special and the documentary on him on Netflix. (I suffer from insomnia and love stand-up, so I have definitely scraped the bottom of the Netflix barrel.) He is talented with voices, but I couldn't help but think that some of his detractors in South Africa were right that he was really green. The

EXACTLY. I still think The Daily Show writers' room hit a consistently high level for the whole run in writing zingers, but the show really lost its must-see quality when it lost the emphasis on segments and correspondents and became The Jon Stewart (and Friends!) Show.

Don goes full AA, builds meaningful relationships with his children, leads SCDP to an unprecedented full sweep of all Clios. A victory parade down 6th Avenue is held. Don rides in an open convertible, next to Peggy, who is inexplicably wearing a pink dress and matching pillbox hat. He looks at her and his eyes crinkle

Even if we're generous and assume Che isn't consciously as undermining as he looks, and he and Jost get along, it's just a shitty comedic tactic. Why try to catch a few beats off someone else's joke instead of countering with a totally different joke and energy?

I know! Look at me, defending Colin Jost!

That's just it, though, he's basically on Team #CancelJost and sitting next to the guy. It's a shitty dynamic that feels awkward and sucks energy away from the joke set-ups.