Honey Bunches of Goats

Um, you are aware that "true crime" reporting is a well-established genre? And that literally thousands of cases of real murder have been examined by journalists who produce lucrative television shows, books, and movies about them? Indeed, there are whole cable channels filled with NOTHING BUT THIS? And most are more

I don't think he planned it to frame Adnan. I think he was a weed dealer in high school who didn't have a car or a phone, and borrowed them from Adnan or anyone else who would have lent these things to him. For Adnan this was extraordinary bad luck. But everyone falsely accused of a crime has extraordinary bad luck,

The bitching that they didn't have a subject yet struck me as especially galling. Look, this may come as a surprise to a site that only needs an internet connection and computers to function, but REAL shoe-leather reporting and actual radio production is hard, labor-intensive work. As is finding a story that has a

Pardon this, I know it's obnoxiously long, but I only have an AVClub account and I'm not about to join Reddit. I'm a pretty strong Jay-Did-It-er. The key problem with believing this is, of course, motive. But motive is pretty flimsy for either guy. Either theory of the case relies on a sudden snap of an angered

No, "mail-kimp" a youngish kid who is not a great reader who appears in the sponsor tag on EVERY EPISODE. I'm more surprised that no one has implicated the guy who composed the annoying jangley minor-key piano theme.

Yeah, there was something kind of wonderfully Queer and naughty and island-of-the-lost-toys about the show's vibe, beyond even the deliberate campiness. It REALLY spoke to me as a kid, and still does now.

YES. Exactly. Donnie Darko only works because it was edited to create a delightfully offbeat and mysterious movie out of the far shittier, stupider movie Richard Kelly envisioned. The amazing cast also helps, as does its soundtrack.

At first, I thought she was doing that, but pretty quickly, it read as "All the people at NYU with me were fucking morons, and I couldn't accept their enthusiasm for an atmospheric cover of a song because it triggered bad memories for me, and also because I was better than them."

And of course, he doesn't just control Saturday late night, but Monday through Friday as well, as he is executive producer of BOTH the Tonight Show and Late Night, having placed two of the blandest SNL alums ever in the hosting chairs. I don't think people realize just how great his reach is, nor just how clubby and

I gotta add, I'm an academic, and Lorne Michaels reminds me of some famed advisors who have presided over storied PhD-producing programs at Ivy League schools and have this almighty sage-like reputation and extraordinary power in getting their students placed. But then you talk to their students, and it sounds like

And the other problem is that Michaels sometimes mistakes off-camera talent in writing for on-camera potential when there is none (Seth Meyers) or encourages truly gifted people to sign on to badly-conceived vehicles (John Mulaney). This jibes well with your point that Lorne is all about formula, even in his

I think a big problem is that Lorne Michaels sees himself as a grand star-maker. The show is basically his minor league team for Broadway Video. The long game for Michaels is to produce more profitable TV shows and movies with the great talents he has hand-fed and made feel undyingly grateful to him. I don't think

Yeah, apart from its pandering, premise-defeating ending, it was a good sketch with some actual teeth to it, as it ripped on a stupid show, American capitalism, the American media, AND ISIS all in the span of three minutes.

I think he is basically sliding into his Don Pardo, which is altogether fitting and proper. His natural voice wasn't cutting it. It's not Saturday Night without a "Meeeeewwsical guest!"

I disagree, I think the cast has tons of talent. In fact, I would bet a number of them will have long careers. The problem is the directing and the writing.

Really? You can't discern a distinct perspective and original take on the world in the work of CHRIS ROCK?! He may well work with writers, which doesn't concern me as I'm not particularly in love with the idea of the lone wolf isolated genius theory of good stand-up, though I get why it has appeal to some people. But

Yeah, I think the kid is great, but he doesn't yet seem to be a sketch talent, so basically, Lorne Michaels is getting him to cannibalize his first hour in the service of Update.

And in case you're wondering:

I know everyone else is here in this thread for the Star Wars jokes, but having spent years in Syracuse, I'm here to register my displeasure at any national publicity for this lousy-ass brewery. It's not even the best brewery in Syracuse (not a hard title to claim!) yet it suddenly has this explicable downstate

Hey now, when Bill Hader was still on, the lazy "let's do our impressions" sketches always had potential. His Alan Alda is insanely good.