Honey Bunches of Goats

So it's trolls all the way down?

It would be one thing if this was a hit piece on totally inoffensive 90s blockbuster "Independence Day" or an actually good 90s blockbuster like "Jurassic Park" or "Terminator 2." But really, "Prince of Thieves"? I would bet good money that Kevin Costner is (rightfully) far more proud of "Waterworld."

This comment is typical paint by numbers trolling tailored to attract many comments with self-righteousness and sarcasm and not much more.

I'm fine with lots of film criticism, I just kinda wish all those folks were at one site.

There used to be a lot of writers I liked, but they just faded—no wait, that's not the right word—they just DISSOLVED away.

I think Tracy is pretty fairly set as 30 Rock is in syndication, but you're right "Tracy Jordan" is, especially in terms of box office and vehicles, more of a composite of Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, and Tracy Morgan. And of course Walmart is liable for a lot of lost touring income for Tracy as well as health

When you, as a driver, injure or kill other people, the freshman-philosophy-time-is-a-flat-circle-butterfly-effect defense you are trying here doesn't work. Furthermore when a giant rig being driven by an overworked driver plows into a much smaller vehicle with such force that one person aboard dies and two other are

Yeah at first I was mystified by what Walmart's lawyers are doing here, at least from a PR standpoint. But then I realized that they undoubtedly have a LOT of lawsuits involving their truckers (and other issues). This is intentional bad publicity: they WANT everyone to know that suing Walmart is as soul-draining and

Yes, exactly to both of these. Two bands I genuinely enjoy for the sheer texture and mood of their songs, but when you start listening to the lyrics, oof.

It's a fine line between embarrassing and honest. I identify with way more of "Pinkerton" than I would like to admit (and no, I don't have an Asian fetish), and I think it shows the perils of writing something that is SO on the nose. But as you said, the tunes just fucking rock, and that does so much to sell the

Did I read somewhere that Rivers Cuomo is embarrassed by "Pinkerton" and disowns it? Any truth to that? I love "Pinkerton" despite its unabashed pervvy-ness, especially "Across the Sea," which I believe to be an entirely true song, save for a single word in the first line: "eighteen"

I beg to differ a tiny bit: the reveal of the pawn shop rednecks as BDSM-loving gay rapists also packs a certain punch the first time as well.

Fair enough. I did find "World's End" messier in ways, so I can see how for some it just fell apart. I guess it fit together for me simply because I liked the pod-people-robot trope and was engaged by the mystery and suspense of how it would end. There were about two too many robot fight sequences for me, but the ones

But that's the brilliance of the Cornetto movies: within each is a light indie movie about a pair of adult men grappling with maturity in 21st century Britain, but each is also a savage parody of/homage to a Hollywood genre and a spot-on social satire of life in modern urban, rural, and suburban UK (respectively). I

Fair enough, and I guess the comments here show that perhaps this needed to be highlighted. I'm amazed people missed this.

…in 1957!…My series on the reunited triplets!


Are you kidding me, Baxter? Do you really think the Coen brothers just didn't notice the prominent circles and themes in their own film and script?

I had a friend in college who proposed a drinking game around the prominent circles in Hudsucker. I think we soon realized that it would make us far to hammered unless we only had a small sip of beer with each circle. That said, the visual motif of circles and lines is about the least subtle thing about the movie, and

Agreed. He's the third kind of heat.