Honey Bunches of Goats

I've always thought the idea of "fan boy" was rather like "hipster" in that people to whom it reasonably applies throw it around to insult people who are rather similar to them. That said, I AM SUCH A FUCKING UNREPENTANT FAN BOY FOR THESE GENTS AND WILL HEAR NO CRITICISM OF THEIR OEUVRE. Now all we need is Nick Frost.

Wow, that's amazing that you found it memorable, because upon mention of this film, I had to have a long debate with myself if I had seen it. I realized that I had seen it but it was a real struggle to remember ANY detail other than Angelina stalking around poutily and chestily and a blur of implausible and

Take off your mask, luv, I can't hear a word you're saying.

Libel cases are hard to win, I highly doubt this woman has $1.2 million. Her reputation as an unstable liar is now fully available to anyone who googles her. I think he's doing the right thing by just letting it go.

I find him highly irritating as well, but I can concede he has a particular talent with line readings and timing that can really liven a scene. He's also been in several very successful films, and at a certain point casting directors and Hollywood types in general just can't resist the idea that he has a "track

I know this seems hard to believe given the recent decades of Boston movies, but growing up in the 1980s we little wee Massholes could only legitimately claim "Cheers" as our own. Sure, we were supposed to get excited about things like some shitty show called "Spencer For Hire" that no one outside 617 remembers and

Real-life "Josh" went on to replace Jay Leno.

This is an excellent critical distillation of its appeal. Breaking Bad wasn't fundamentally about remaking the conventions of episodic television, though to its credit, it had some innovative camera work, and some creative structuring of information, with the use of flash-forwards. But the show worked best when it

Staff Writer: But what if we used scare quotes? Or spelled it "Full R-t-rd" to indicate we knew it was offensive?
Editor: I don't think the outrage-addicted corners of the social justice twittersphere will be mollified by missing letters or scare quotes.

Four Oscar nominations and no wins! That's criminal, really. Ed Harris is also especially good at playing an incredible range of emotions within a very narrow range of character types. He may always be some kind of craggy, mans-man, quietly intelligent, reticent father type, but nonetheless the man puts a distinct

The problem here also stems from the direction: Clint Eastwood's cheesy, rising-crane-shot, zoom-out depiction of anguish requires the actor do something big and over-the-top to fill the frame.

I don't disagree it looks better than the syndicated fantasy crap. It just doesn't pull me in any better.

Yeah I do think that is actually how a lot of "fans" watch it. My problem is I can't even get into it enough to enjoy the kitsch.

I adore Breaking Bad, but I think it's fundamentally a pretty pulpy and simple show with a number of fairly cardboard or one-note characters. For whatever reason, I can suspend my critical faculties to just enjoy all the things it does so well, but it sure doesn't surprise me that you might feel otherwise.

Not feeling bad, but the head-scratchy feeling of "What am I missing?"

Yeah Sorkin is the worst. No one needs to feel bad about not liking him. My most hated quirk of his (well, aside from the rank sexism) the having characters remind people they have fancy degrees. Not only is that just arguing from authority and elitist, it actually never makes anyone seem impressive. It just makes

It's worth noting that the Mets pennant didn't just serve as a reminder of Lane; once hung, it served as a giant orange arrow pointing towards the window, the same window that Don bounced his typewriter off.

"Merlinman" has this very strange vendetta against Peggy.

Yeah I really don't get people who watch "Mad Men" with the intent of damning every adulterer like some red-faced Baptist preacher. Characters on Mad Men who either sleep with married people or sleep with people other than their spouses: Don, Pete, Peggy, Joan, Roger, Betty, Harry, Lane, Ted…. The list goes on. Out of

I dunno, I do think adding in moments of national pride like the '66 World Cup for the UK sure looks like pandering. And take another look at the US list: not a lot of obscure events or people on it. But whatever it's just a little Easter Egg to get dorks like us on the internet talking about it.