
I was not very happy with the first half of this season, but last week (dethwedding) and this week were right in the sweet spot. Dethwater and Fat kid at dethharmonic remain the shows high-water mark as far as I'm concerned, but it's definatly getting back on track.

Oldy but goody
Errol Flynn, "My Wicked Wicked Ways." Cad, drunk, world traveler, and enemy of butch French lesbians this book has it all. Might be to good for this project though.

Bodie's poon hound friend from season 1 and 4

Way to crush my dreams.

Men of War
That was the last thing I saw featuring the big man. A surprisingly competent actioner about the dangers of hiring alcoholic mercenaries to do your evil bidding. This is especially true if the island that you send said alcoholics to is home to some of the greatest breasts to ever grace the silver screen.

Black is always the new black. It is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the infinite and the infinitesimal, it is UNICRON devourer of worlds, and it looks good with everything except dandruff.

"it's best if it's somebody they don't know the first time." - Chris

speaking of realism, the "vaccine causes autism" theory was thoroughly debunked a while ago. But the important thing is a nice single mom is taking on a sinister corporation.

on demand
I'd like to check this show out, but I have a problem. I can't watch TV when it's regularly scheduled. Are they making this available on demand?

I'm the only person I allow to touch my genitals in anger, and that's only when I need to purge myself of evil. And when I say evil I mean seminal fluid.

ach, fricken' double post. Wish I could delete, or edit, or both.

I tell you what, a few fat guys on Ephedrine die of heatstroke and suddenly you can't get good trucker speed anymore. This Ambien shit has been making people psychotic for years. and it's still readily available. Where's the justice.

I tell you what, a few fat guys on Ephedrine die of heatstroke and suddenly you can't get good trucker speed anymore. This Ambien shit has been making people psychotic for years. and it's still readily available. Where's the justice.

seat of the pants
I love reading about this kind of film making. Fuck money, location, whatever I got a camera let's make a movie.

I can't believe that guy thought that he was actually dating Tila, nobody is that stupid.