All of the Dreamers

They're not novels, but I've got both Long Way Round and Long Way Down the books that document two of the motorbike treks he did with Charley Boorman. I somehow missed the accompanying TV series, but I do like the books for both the detail of everything they went through on the journey and also the emotional honesty.

Let's not forget he was also brilliant as Murdock in The A-Team. I'm really looking forward to Elysium.

I'd just like to note my appreciation for his work on the Powderfinger album "Golden Rule". That is one beautiful album cover. Thank you and rest in peace Mr Thorgerson.

I've also already seen it and mostly really enjoyed it. There were a couple of gruesome moments that I wasn't keen on which is why it doesn't quite get full marks from me. Also, "Movin' On Up" by M People will never sound the same again.

He looks remarkably like my uncle David - complete with the the same Lancashire accent. I was watching an interview on Film4 last week and got quite freaked out by the resemblance.

I would probably still watch them to save myself the hassle of having to reach for the DVDs.

The bit I particularly like about the surgery in Master and Commander is where Stephen asks Jack if he would be OK to help… "That is, if you have the constitution for this sort of thing?" "My dear doctor, I have been amongst and around wounds since I was a small boy." We later see both Jack and Stephen's assistant

The sports reporter on our local BBC radio station is also called James Bond. Naturally puns are made at every opportunity.

I have to admit I paused for a moment at seeing his real name in the article. I can't remember anyone ever calling Bonehead anything other than Bonehead. It's just not done.

I seem to remember talk of there being a second part to that. The first film was him growing up and forming the empire, but wasn't there supposed to be a second one about the expansion of the empire etc? Or have I missed something?

I remember something about an expedition looking for Mallory's camera, reasoning that if he had got the top, he would have taken a picture to prove it. Not sure whether they actually found the camera or not, but I do remember reading an article about the search.

Don't forget to add some wolves/yaks/other creatures for Neeson's character to beat up along the way.

I remember Orlando Bloom being in an episode of Midsomer Murders where… yep, he gets murdered. ITV went on a run of repeating episodes on weekday afternoons a couple of years ago and it was really weird seeing Legolas burgling someone's house. I think he filmed it not long before he got cast in LOTR.

I watched it here in the UK and really enjoyed Stephen Fry hosting it - he's good at being funny without it descending into the nastiness that you get from certain other awards hosts.

Jedi train all the time, even as adults, so I would assume Obi-Wan had the training ball with him at home for 20 years and took it to Mos Eisley because the Force told him it might come in useful.

In early December, my Dad was trying to navigate Amazon and order my Christmas presents. Initially, he felt confident that he could manage it, but it wasn't long before he was shouting questions to me every minute or so until I ended up talking him through it while having to stand on the landing with the door of the

I thought it was a cert to be in the top 10. I saw it in the cinema aged 9 and absolutely loved it and it is still just as good nearly 20 years later. It's one of those films that you can watch and enjoy over and over again.

I thought it was a cert to be in the top 10. I saw it in the cinema aged 9 and absolutely loved it and it is still just as good nearly 20 years later. It's one of those films that you can watch and enjoy over and over again.

I'm not happy with the fact it's been cut to bits to achieve a 12A rating. I'm going to wait for the uncut version on the DVD as that will inevitably be better.

I'm not happy with the fact it's been cut to bits to achieve a 12A rating. I'm going to wait for the uncut version on the DVD as that will inevitably be better.