
I wish this included the fantastic "Actor's Acting" scene from "The Rocketeer," where Neville Sinclair (Timothy Dalton) tries to help a hapless ingenue by telling her, "Acting… is acting…. like you're not acting!"
Just a great scene from an often-overlooked movie.

This review makes me sad, and also makes me want to dig up my old copy of the PS2 game "RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive." This is a game that AVClub should do a retrospective on!

This was the saddest upvote I've given on AVClub to date.

This sounds like "Early 1980's Van Side-Panel Art: The Game"

Oh god, "Secret Of Vulcan Fury" was an obsession of mine in Junior High. I had some PC Gamer-type magazine with a profile of the game, and as a rabid trekkie I Just. Wanted. This. Damn. Game.

YES, THIS. Seriously, I invested a huge chunk of my life at the time into the first Psi-Ops, and it still baffles me that the series never continued (or at least that we never saw the basic premise and mechanics repurposed somewhere else). Man, what I'd give to see a reboot of this on modern hardware…

Pretty sure you mean a huge African American hole of suckiness. Err, American hole of suckiness.

"You wanna know how I got these scars?"

I got 99 mushrooms but a Peach ain't one…

You just described my High School.

I want to become an alcoholic, just so Freddie can talk me down and set me straight

My dad made my sister and I watch this when I was ~8 and she was ~10. Needless to say, "nothing in our education or experience" had prepared us for the mindfuck that this movie was. Honestly, it's been more than twenty years since then and I don't remember much from the movie, but I know we were both sobbing by the