Defeating Boredom

What about that Brian K. Vaughan-written Roundtable movie that was supposedly "the next Ghostbusters?" I was really looking forward to that and haven't heard a thing about it in forever.

Any News On Renewal?
Has AMC given any indication about when they'll announce their pickup/cancellation? I'd assume they would have made an announcement already but there's been nothing in the week since the finale.

I just watched it earlier this week and, while I wasn't too interested in visiting before, I certainly don't want to go to Paris now.

90% Resolved?
I've really grown to love this show and hope it comes back for another year, and Bromell makes a couple comments about doing stuff next year, so here's hoping. That said, I think it would be pretty cool to have this be a 13-episode miniseries, and with them resolving the vast majority of the questions,

There Will Be Blood
I saw that early in my freshman year of college and hated it. It was boring, pompous, overly long, and to me, inexplicably considered one of the best movies of the year despite its beating-you-over-the-head theme of "greed is bad." I have since grown to love everything else Anderson has directed,