
The sign outside the Alexandria gate says, "Vengeance for Plunderers." Ummm… aren't the Negans technically plunderers? I'd change that sign.

I wouldn't have minded if the Oceanside residents made some reference to a Hatch or Others…

I love it when the characters actually act smart — like they've learned stuff. For example, when Heath threw something onto the bridge to see what movement it would stir up. Unsure why they didn't just keep doing that as they went along.

Haven't we geniuses made a few of the species extinct, though, that were relied upon? I could see Rick & Friends getting a good thing going, using up whole buffalos, leaving nothing to waste, Then, Negan comes along and slaughters all the buffalo, only taking their tongues, because that's the "interesting" part. Also,

Oh! THAT Masterson! I never made the connection. I certainly hope she isn't into Scientology. :(

Such great memories of this show. I think our whole 6th grade class watched it, after school. Good times.

Can't make any verdicts as regards her Harper Lee accent, but I really liked Sandra Bullock in that film, too.

I haven't watched the video yet - my own attempt at accents is so poor, that I could never feel schadenfreude about any bad performances. But, does he address The Walking Dead?

Funny - on Talking Dead, Kevin Smith name-dropped an indie director whom he said directed this episode and that was why - his words - it was like this indie film. Or something.

yeah, but they are trying to commit to building a life — and they have to invest in stuff like growing crops and all that. On the road simply means scavenging. I think - and I like this about the show - they are trying to have the survivors do more than survive. They are trying to have them live. Like, you know, form

Clinton's one unforgivable fault is her vagina.

Good thought - but that's the zombie virus the pigs are eating up, and everyone is already infected. The sickness at the prison was a different thing.

That's vaguely familiar — that he already talked about being able to make bullets. Maybe they haven't tried yet, though? And come to think of it, maybe Rosita WAS just saying she needed one bullet. Which seems like a waste of effort!

I assumed that it was like, "let's try to make one bullet and see what happens." If it works in a gun and isn't too labor-intensive, let's make a ton. But let's not make hundreds of bullets that don't work without trying them out first. Start with one.

Andrea nailed it, though, pointing out to Shane that he was pretty much right most of the time, but he had awful timing and wording when it came to presenting his ideas.

That's what I was thinking, too! Like, do The Sharper Image stores still exist? Does Negan want a massage chair?

You're right, of course. I think we just need to suspend our disbelief. I wonder if the overacting is in part so we remember that Negan's whole thing IS an act. In fact, that might help answer the question about why Alexandria didn't simply blow him away, and why his ranks don't rise up against him: his pull isn't

Upvote for Watership Down reference! (PS: I do like Rick, but he's no Hazel.)

It's just that you can only be cruel to a creature for so long until he bites back. Negan is all cruelty all the time. And there are plenty of people to take him down. So, what stops them? I think that's the main question.

Negan explained to Dwight that when Dwight's wife begged for him to not be killed, Negan burned Dwight's face with an iron as punishment. So, if Daryl is broken (or puts on the appearnce of it), he and Dwight will be Reek and the Hound. :(