
I suppose killing Denise made it necessary for them to leave Alexandria to find a doctor for Maggie?

Right! Left behind at farm, by barn, Jimmy (?) swarmed.

I think they did a nice job emphasizing the fact of (relative) zombie non-danger when that one walker straggled in as the group left.

Hold on — is that you, The Donald??

I was thinking that, too - knees must have been asleep - hopefully they padded the ground for the actors.

Wonder who nixed the idea of having a mass zombie attack during this huge get-together. That would have been really exciting! It could also have provided a potential chance for Rick & Co to get away, only to remain trapped. Dang!

1) People being dumb about zombies drives a lot of plot - but I'd say you can have characters be smart and still have stuff happen. Example: super zombie hoard fills up the moat

I could see no one else WANTING to lead…

I joined the show last night about 12 minutes in, and when I realized they hadn't revealed yet who died, it occurred to me that they might just go around the circle, showing flashback memories of each character, like an extended promo… and then possibly end things in the same place as last season's cliffhanger, with

This makes me sad - pigs are so awesome.
Prove me wrong.

Not as an irl person, but in the world of GoT, I'd say he was.

…he won, by beating Oberyn, but it would have been better for him (the Mountain) if the maester had let him die.

How can the AV Club have to post so many cheesy, annoying ads and sponsored links and also have to do this?

That made me spit out part of my (brownbag tofurkey) sandwich, laughing.

Disgusting. In multiple dollar menu ways.

I sure hope Naz's hair grows back before the trial. The shaved head makes him look tough in jail, but it also somehow makes him look like a criminal.

It's weird, because (to oversimplify) it seems like the speaker's conclusion is the reason it's so great is because it's racist? (I know that that's not *quite* it, but, hmmm.)

Lovecraft is saying, White beings, good. Black beings, bad. And the black beings are called "nigguraths."

I don't agree that Lincoln was a racist, but I do think that he probably wasn't as progressive as a lot of people would like to think.

Chuckling as I'm picturing the above printed on the back cover, as a ringing endorsement, on the next King behemoth: "He's written many more that were much worse."