
Although my main concern would be the birds' welfare, the fact that audience members and actors would probably get shat upon all the time comes in a close second.

I think that the fact that Team Jon Snow/Sansa/Ser Davos are staying at Stannis' former camp is multi-functional, at least plot-wise. (Davos already pointed out that strategically, it's a good place to camp.)

It sure seems like a lot of actors who pass away have bad last movies. Robin Williams, for instance. It's partly just luck, no doubt. Plus, most of us don't die in our prime. I would say that with Rickman, it was bad luck. He was definitely not past his prime!

And Jane Eyre!

How sweet would it have been if Theon had gone all Cyrano de Bergeac to shut down Euron's taunts? "You call that a 'Man With No Cock' joke? Let me show you how it's done…"

Maybe she chose to assume he was being metaphorical.

I think it was to give us a "win" for Osha.

Did you try clicking on your "Profile"?

In a way, it was the best possible end for her, if she wasn't going to survive- though I did want to see her kill him. She never showed fear or plead for her death, and at least she tried to kill him.

I'm just being practical. Girl's gotta pack light.

Yeah, but she'll have that "I am no one" vibe that sort of ruins it.

They mentioned his wife once, or at least, the son's mother. I think she must have died, though.

I am picturing Sansa a Queen Elizabeth I, but with bathing.

I think you're right - I got confused, because Brienne said she saw what happened, in response to Davos asking about Shireen. But she was referring to Renly. Tricky!

Yes! But she needs some fireproof clothing.

Brienne cut in on the conversation to say she saw what happened to Shireen, right? But she never told Davos. I'm hoping for cathartic revenge when he finds out the truth.

Torienne isn't bad at all… better than "Bennifer," anyway.

I think they mean Ghosts of Christmas past. That doesn't really make sense. It was more of a Pensieve experience.

True! That's my beef with the Hunger Games movies. To me, what made the books interesting was Katniss's POV. I felt like we were inside her head all the time, and it made things interesting. We "hear" her plotting about how to survive the games. And that's fascinating. But no one (hopefully) wants to see kids getting

Yes! When I see rabbits out in the twilight, munching on grass, I think, "It must be evening silflay."