
Several things…

And all the fuss about the cars just makes me reflect that rich people don't have enough to do.

Well… the Loop is kinda downtown, no?

At some point, though, Edith had Madge. I think she still did when she ran away with Marigold.

Really? It's true enough that Mary can be a bitch, but I thought Cora was kind to Mrs. Hughes, and not at all rude.

Had Robert seen a doctor about his stomach trouble? It didn't seem like it - they kept referring to it as indegestion - and then, Dr. Clarkson said, "his ulcer's burst!" It reminded me of Lady Sybil's giving birth, and Dr. Clarkson's accurate diagnosis being taken seriously when it was too late.

I mostly watch stuff via my laptop now - no cable or broadcast tv access. How did you watch this?

It really seemed like Mrs. Patmore would have had to physically restrain her, though. Still, I don't think Carson or Mrs. Hughes (but especially Carson) would have allowed it. (Edit: you point that out above!)

One thing that stands out to me about "Upstairs" is how the kids are fairly unlikable. In fact, you could make an argument that the truly sympathetic characters are the downstairs characters.

And the aftermath… it just makes you sob.

Huh. Taking place in NYC, though. For Americans, anyway, the English setting has always been an appeal of DA.

Haha, true! But, she did just come out with a movie, and I'm wondering if filming overlapped.

I wonder if part of the reason Thomas is suddenly getting a bit of a shove out is because the current smaller staff makes for a more intimate work setting, and they now just want to keep people around they actually like.

Yeah, I always wonder how long a household like Downton could realistically function with butlers and ladies' maids, etc… not even as regards money, but because people don't necessarily want to be a servant. At some point, it would simply be weird. And with things like flush toilets, washers and dryers, vacuums and

The cozy relationship between the servants and main household really contrasts with the original "Upstairs, Downstairs," which many point out that Fellowes has "borrowed" from. That household certainly had a positive relationship with the servants. But particularly early in the series, there was a definite remove

Is there really going to be a prequel? I agree with hoping for Carson's presence in it — prequels are no good to me unless there are earlier versions of characters from the original series. Otherwise, it's like, who cares?

Watched the episode again just now — noticed/realized two things:

Quite right! Failed attempt at wittiness in my part. :) (Said she with 2 accounts here.)

True! I think Baxter and Moseley are still an "item" (or, hopefully are) but it certainly hasn't been touched on in awhile. Maybe Moseley will propose in the finale?

I think they must have died in the war, and I thought when Rereby said they never came back, that's what he understood. However, the reviewer said, I think, that he was under the illusion they were still alive, and wanted to clean up the place for when they got home. I really, REALLY hope that when we talked of people