
Right. I wasn't sure if it was a publicity photo, or if it was supposed to be the wedding photo. A wedding photo would explain what we can assume are flower girls. But why Mr. Mason, for instance (and especially Denker and Spratt) is in it is bizarre.

Do you mean Carson was unwell a day or so before the wedding? I don't think he was, but he did have a heart attack a few years back.

I adored this episode. Plot points felt fresh - no blatant retreads. Example: a happy Anna and Bates? Revolutionary! And refreshingly, it felt like everything more or less went well for once. Sometimes that even happens in real life. Didn't think we'd see Tom until the series finale. That was such a nice surprise!

Every time I see the guy in the photo accompanying this article, I automatically assume it's Mr. Selfridge, perhaps fallen on hard times?

My theory: a drama airing on PBS has automatic prestige, whether or not it's deserved.

Your point is a sound one. And true!

Everyone thinks the Book of Revelations, which I think you must be referring to, is extremely weird. But it doesn't represent the whole Bible, or especially, the whole New Testament. It was a vision.

It wasn't smart of the Walden Group to frame the Narnia series as Christian-themed.

I'm wondering if the seemingly renewed interest in documentaries by the public is fueled by major news outlets' failure to report on many important things? (Granted, there are too many important issues to be spotlighted, even by responsible media, but there surely is a lot of wasted space or airtime on inane bullshit.)

Lol! O'Brien was excellent at coming up with similar dastardly plans. It occurs to me that she, as a lady valet, was, in fact, Evil Jeeves.

Hold up - what surprise confession letter do you mean? Ex-Mrs. Bates wrote a "I'm scared he's going to kill me!" letter to frame Bates. But, he was exonerated due to a ridiculous remembrance that she had pie crust under her fingernails. Or something.

If there isn't already, there will be. Some truly kick-ass knitters and crocheters post patterns for, for instance, sweaters worn in the Harry Potter movies and post them on the internet.

I completely missed your reference, totally blinded by my desire to see Rose's undergardener dance partner again!

Is Fortnum the guy who danced with Rose?


I think the issue is that there probably aren't many head butler positions open. The staff jobs are dwindling as the large households consolidate. Which means that an opening might only come when someone like Carson dies. FOR GOODNESS' SAKE, MR. CARSON, WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU! It's Thomas, after all.

13 Conversations About One Thing. One of my favorite movies.

He did - to me, that was the main clue (the slip-up), since there wasn't anything fully solid. It's a small thing, but something the real guy would never have done.

Wait - you actually had a problem with Matthew miraculously walking all of a sudden? Love me some Downton, but I believe that was the moment we all had to admit we were watching a soap opera.

It's also a good way to suck up to people. The kids will (presumedly) run the place eventually. Better get in good with them early.