
He made a key slip-up while talking to Edith - something like saying "he," rather than "I," thus revealing he was taking on someone else's persona.

Maybe Julian Fellowes just realized people were sick of Edith getting dumped on all the time. Time for Edith to have some Teflon.

Just when we thought Robert was finally "getting" things…

I did enjoy the episode. But it seemed like nearly every single thing that happened had already happened (eg. Uh-oh! Shadow of Mr. Greene; Mary's indiscretion leads to blackmail threat; Mrs. Patmore/Mrs. Hughes/Carson talk through each other). The lack of any real new developments was disappointing

I did like it when Rosamund pointed out that living in London, not Downton, would mean avoiding getting "sniped at" by Mary!

It's so weird that… what was it, Season 4? had all these men competing for Mary's hand. Indeed, I believe the last line of the fourth season was, "Let the games begin!" (In reference to who would "win" her.)
That was actually pretty fun. It was hard for me to believe that one guy (Charles?) - the secretly rich guy who

When Robert toasted English justice as the envy of the world, I thought he was being sarcastic. I suppose not.

In case we're afraid they'll ever be truly happy, Julian Fellowes is telling us Anna can't successfully conceive. This makes me think/hope that Anna will give birth to a healthy baby in the series finale.

It really was stupid, almost to the point where maybe Eastman was just letting himself die. I have no evidence of that. Except, it puts that scene from Star Wars in mind, when Obi Wan let himself be killed by Darth Vader. Maybe Eastman was ready to pass the torch?

It's also probably about time for their clothes to begin falling off. But, I'm very okay with not seeing that.

Carol's no sociopath. 100% disagree. For one, if she was, she would have simply killed the little boy who saw her steal guns.

It really seemed to me that she tried to rehabilitate Lizzie. It was only when Lizzie killed her little sister, and was about to kill Judith, did Carol realize she needed to kill Lizzie.

I do hope she finds that Wolf being held prisoner and kills him.

I think that it's more than the acting, though - we know a lot about Morgan, we know exactly what motivates him: all sorts of things. "His" episodes are high-quality partly because of the acting, and partly because he's not a two-dimensional character.

I was wondering the same thing. It looked like a cut. And probably, a bite would have already killed him.

Did anyone else initially think there were only two Wolves: the two that we saw in S5's final episode?

I have a theory that as the ZA wears on, turning happens faster and faster. Absolutely no evidence!

True. Why didn't pasta lady just say, "Why NOT smoke? Because life expectancy in the ZA is so damn high?"

I do wish we'd gotten a hint of exactly what happened after Morgan arrived in Alexandria, as in, how Rick explained himself to Morgan.

I actually am thinking people have picked up on an unintentional red herring.