
I read a quote where one of the AMC guys was promoting this by explaining that people have been asking what's been going on in other parts of the ZA. True, but I'm sure no one meant in L.A., for goodness' sake. It would be way more interesting to see what was going on in other countries, or in a state like Hawaii,

Oh, man. "The Shack" has to be the quintessential example of a book that is better off as a book… the story depends so much on imagination, and if a person takes the thing seriously (in other words, that it is the true story of a genuine religious vision), then doing actual physical casting for characters in the book

I think that this is an intelligent analysis, but no need to imply the AVClub is dumb.

This discussion will self-destruct in: 5, 4, 3… oh, brother: NOW, PLEASE

Sign at beginning says something about prancing dancing monkeys in costume. Holy crap, I hope not. Unless it's humans dressed as monkeys. Poor humans!

I could be wrong, but I think his political views never changed, but back when he was funny and popular, be kept them under the collar.

Enjoying reading the review and the comments here… I confess, I gave up on the show because the creepy/icky/disturbing aspects that are so effective at making the show so entertaining were getting to me, if that makes any sense. Like, I felt bad about myself for watching them.

Someone had to have already asked, yes, where is Lynda Fucking Barry?

Was it THIS season, or last, where we saw Morgan on the road? Can't wait until he shows up again!

He also - when he had that Crazy Rick PTSD thing where he was seeing hallucinations of Lori - kicked out… oh crap, I'm blanking on everyone's name! The bro and sis, and father and son

Ben & Jerry's now owned by Unilever? So depressing. Brb, going to go buy a pint of Cherry Garcia and eat it in one sitting.

I disagree with the reviewer in that it has always been my impression that Aslaug really can make prophecies. I mean, she knew right away that she was pregnant — she knew about the kid having a strange eye (I can't even remember what that was about, and the show seems to have decided to forget about it for now). And

It does kind of remind me of Game of Thrones sometimes (and vice versa). And given that GofT is so successful, a lot of shows might seek "inspiration" from it.

I confess that I decided that if Bertie Wooster ever really did want to settle down, I would keep my personality, but *alter* my need to be with a smart man. He is just so good-hearted.

I just posted about that, before I saw your own post. If I find a way to get bac there, I'll take you with me!

The thing that bothered me with all that was the arbitrary distinction between eating talking animals and non-talking animals. Eating a talking animal was a form of cannibalism, and theoretically, a talking goat could eat a non-talking goat and it was all good.
Then again, most fantasy worlds start falling apart when

Sesame Street is a brilliant answer!
As for me, I know I have often thought that I would like to live in Bertie Wooster's London, with its country house weekends and no money worries whatsoever. And as always, Jeeves is at hand to solve any and all problems.
PS: As a little girl (under six), a slightly older girl

I think, if he does die, a last thought will be, "thank Odin I'm at least getting out of my sticky love triangle."

I also think that Mary regrets the loss of Tony… perhaps because now that he is not an option, she wonders if she made a mistake. If she's like anyone normal (though sometimes I wonder about that) you find out that someone you decided not to be with is getting married, and you begin to wonder if it was mistake to let

Especially since there has been talk of how… disturbingly mellow, shall we say that Marigold is (mostly based on how she didn't react at all when Edith took her away from the only mom she knew: Mrs. Drewe) I hope it's just a random little-kid-actor-thing-doesn't-actually-mean-anything characteristic.