
At least Mary has been consistently bitchy this season. Very rich of her to criticize Edith for wanting to actually be around a kid. "Why not just ignore her, like I do mean? Sheesh: act like a normal aristocrat, would you?"

It doesn't actually mean anything — just speculating. Mostly, though, it's that she has appeared so strangely sedate in more than one episode. Maybe the kids I'm around are just really hyper, dunno.

Yeah, it can be frustrating when you have actual knowledge (geographic, or otherwise) of what's going on during the show, and they get it completely wrong… especially if it's fairly easy to research.

One thing I missed: how the 2nd Alexandria guy broke/hurt his ankle?

I think Aaron did say that the reason no one was in the picture was to protect his people.

Ah, I see now it's been addressed: again and again. I confess, though: once there are over, say, 300 comments I can't get through them all.

He did. I think there were two daughters?

Michonne had a son. :(

It IS interesting to think about what people would do IRL, vs. the way things need to play out on tv to keep the story and the visuals fresh.
As an audience, we have an expectation that there are other fortified places that groups can go, but in a real-life zombie apocalypse, I am sure I would go with the known entity,

There's the making of thesis paper somewhere in this episode, sprouting from the passionate, grateful kiss Aaron shares with this boyfriend (or husband). The tone of the kiss - a kind of 21st century wholesome earnestness - I believe was supposed to say, "Hey! Aaron really IS a good guy!" (No doubt whatever music

I more or less agree with Zack's assessment, that if Aaron and co. really are good people and their compound is pretty safe, there will be an attack of some sort (possibly by the same group that attacked Noah's old neighborhood) and our heroes will have to flee… and be back out On the Road Again (ideally, with the

You know how an ad campaign will use a certain song/musical piece and the song will be kind of ruined because from then on, you think of the product every time you hear the song? (I feel that way, certainly, about Rhapsody in Blue and whatever airline used it.)

And yet. Benedict Cumberbatch. I whole-heartedly endorse it.

The Lego Movie is one of those movies that got talked up so much that when I finally saw it, I was disappointed.

The photo of Mindy and Stephen looks as if Colbert's head was photoshopped into the pic.


Also, I'm not sure what the sexual appeal is of someone who you view as being saintlike.

People have pointed out, correctly, that this show often TELLS us what a badass Olivia Pope is, instead of showing it. I am entertaining a theory, however: Olivia's near-mythical powers are a thing of the past. We have seen some moments of greatness on her part, but events and emotions are such that what we are

Ah. Got it. Paul Newman and Katharine Ross riding a bicycle together in Butch Cassidy.

Also, the scene in Mrs. Doubtfire when Robin Williams is caught in-between personas when the social worker comes to visit… he has to slam his face into a cream pie and pretend it's a facial mask. And then, a lump or two of whipped cream falls into the coffee he's serving. I can't help but think that that last bit