
The climactic scene in Field of Dreams when James Earl Jones gives his, "People will come…" speech.

Was this the first time we saw a stigmata on Athelstan's hand? I thought he probably had a scar - but is this a new thing?

In real life, I would hate that braid, but on tv Ragnar, it added to the hotness.

I know — I think he loved that she was going to bear his son. I do think he tried (or tries?) to love her.

Favorite line, came from Floki (of course), when he announces his plan to go ahead and join Ragnar in his mercenary battle which he clearly thinks is a bad idea: "A fly always follows the dead meat."

I don't know - it's not as if the plan is for Vikings to be on the air as long as the Simpsons or something .

He was watching people making copies. It's a full-time job.

Going to risk a faux pas in commenting here, having actually not seen the 40-year anniversary show. Part of the reason: three and a half hours is way too long. I mean, not for watching Hamlet or something like that, but yes for an SNL thing.

Quite the buzzkill you got going there.

I imagine that the lion's share of any water they had went to Judith. But, well, she definitely has gotten younger. (And by "definitely," I mean that that is my vague, unverified impression.)

That scene of Maggie and Sasha, gazing off in the distance, talking about how they're both going to make it… I think this was our non-subtle clue that at least one of them is a goner soon. I mean, I hope not, but that sort of talk sets off the alarm bells.

It could be that water in the radiators of the stranded cars is long one, but it seemed worth a peek, when you're dying of thirst.

Clean-cut survivors in a ZA are shorthand for "something is effed up with these guys." Of course, scruffy doesn't always equal morally righteous (ex: the "Claimed" group) - but the Hospital Group, Woodbury Folk, Terminus, etc… you're clean, you're mean.


I can't remember what it was that I was reading, but it had to do with tv journalism and how and why certain things get on the air or not. They talked about how those ads/press releases to promote a company or a procedure that masquerade as news stories are attractive to news outlets because they are cheap to run,

1) That's my favorite movie!
2) My take from the article wasn't so much about objectivity in journalism, but about news analysis. In other words, simply stating that something happened or quoting someone and just leaving it at that can lead to the spread of misperception.
By not asking, when necessary, "Hey, is what

Oh, I totally cried for the dog, but not for Matthew.

Although, did they really nail down that Edith was moving back home? I think the settled thing was only that Marigold would join the Downton nursery — Edith could still do the magazine thing — though it would be easier with a work-at-home-friendly-laptop.

She's at least two — two years passed between the end of last season and this one, and she had been around for a few months when last season ended.

When Daisy starts talking politics, I had a thought: Tom Branson and Daisy ending up together? I would like that.