
Didn't get through all of the comments, so please forgive any repetition:

But marketing doesn't have anything to do with truth — it only has to do with what someone thinks will sell. Twilight could have been in the Horror section, or the Literature section, or the Romance section, etc. Library categorization can be somewhat subjective (and can definitely cater to how a publisher wants to

The Borders categories had to do with marketing, though, not truth.

I think The Auction plot line falls flat, in part, because it feels anti-climactic. The kidnapping of Olivia to the fake prison was interesting not because we worried about her safety, but because of the other x-factors: who are these kidnappers? where is this prison? how will anyone find it? will the White House find

It seems likely that Rose's beau being Jewish is going to tie in somehow with the sputtering Germany side-plot. Otherwise, it's very random (from a story point of view) that his family is Jewish. Even more random than the Missing Russian Princess thing. Correction: nothing out-randoms that, at least on this show.

Good observation skills, Ms. Stephens! Huzzah!

Anna has clearly gotten the raw end of the deal in that relationship. I mean, Mary did get her a nice Christmas gift once. A necklace, was it? But a few years after that, she gave her a birth control device to hide. Worst. Gift. Ever.

You may well be in danger, then, of being more logical than the show. BEWARE.

Key question: my cohorts and I couldn't decide what the deal was Anna telling Mrs. Hughes about seeing Mr. Drewe on the train, holding little Marigold (though to Anna, I think the child was nameless).
As we watched Anna look on in a concerned way as Mr. Drewe rode away with the little girl, I had a red herring flash

I *think* the origin of the nickname was mentioned at some point — probably during the Scotland episode. Nothing very memorable.

It would actually have been kind of funny if they just kept switching out real life dogs and continuing to call them all "Isis," and just letting the dog be ageless, like a cartoon character.

In my neck of the woods, a huge church towers over one. Not sure if the church, for some reason, decided to build its physical house near a Hooters or if Hooters decided to build itself near a church.


There's all kinds of stuff that people like to fantasize about but don't want to do in real life.

Yes, it would definitely be the end of the series, but I would like the thing to end in a hopeful way. You're quite right with the evil angle, especially since when the cannibalism came to pass (specifically, the Bob's leg scene), some of us were thinking, "Aaaaand… we're done." I don't want to watch the show keep

I'm glad you didn't ask for it back; sounds like he'll keep it! :)

For a second, I was getting jealous that Jon Stewart literally held your hand! And I was wondering what on earth could have happened backstage to instigate that. ;)
If I could meet one famous person, it would be Jon Stewart. But. I think I have to be a little kid with cancer for something like that to come to pass.

We are all that guy.


I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Hardwick's name came up in Comedy Central discussions for the new Daily Show host. There's a kind of logic to it, after all. He does well hosting Talking Dead, where he has proven he can be funny as well as serious and sincere. He already has a Comedy Central show, At Midnight, but