
Yes! That. When he took out the puppy. His speech embodied exactly why I like him so much.

Lol, my thought exactly! Time to finally get some sleep. Speaking of which… darn you, AV Club!

That was certainly the thinking when Johnny Carson retired — who can replace him?
It seems as if the hosts who take over can't really "take over" properly — they become a whole separate thing.
In other words, no one can replace Jon Stewart, but the Daily Show can still be really good - it will probably be in a different

Wow. I guess it's more interesting, from a plot standpoint, to have psychopaths running around (to a certain extent, that is). But whoever commented here about how playing-nicely-with-others would be the best way to get the world back on track again was exactly right.

I actually kind of hope not. It sounds like he wants to be around his family more, too - maybe go into semi-retirement and just do projects that his heart belongs to, on his own time.

you're exactly right: it's Jon's sincerity that really made (and makes) him stand apart. It makes the show special, and somehow, the humor funnier.

Maybe "wolves" is what someone used as their own special noun to describe zombies? Everyone has one!

There could definitely be a Walking Dead "condensed" version of each season — like what Topher Grace did with the Star Wars prequels.

But that's the problem, isn't it? If you die, and no one is there to kill your brain, you DO turn into a monster and start killing other people. Some people "turn" really quickly, and for some reason, Noah wasn't really paying attention to Tyreese there in the back seat. Tyreese could have drifted off, awoken as a

It's good Tyreese and Shane never met — or else, Shane would have appeared as a hallucination, I-told-ya-so-ing poor Tyreese.

Funerals are good times for Gabriel. He can't kill zombies, and he doesn't play particularly well with others. But! Bury a body, he whips out a Bible, and FINALLY it's Gabriel's time to shine!

Good one. It could be those ghosts were telling him the wrong thing — I mean, Lizzie saying things are better echoes her sentiment that killing someone and letting them turn are awesome.

That thing with the zombie tops and bottoms, and the "emergency supply" of zombie heads-and-upper-torsos stashed in someone's truck. Do we think that's going to be just a random thing that happened in an effed up ZA, or is it the workings of some characters we have yet to meet? (I am thinking that former.)

You're quite right — the part that I did like, though, was that instead of just a corny, hackneyed death where everyone is gathered around Tyreese while he whispers a few dying words, we got the whole episode to "say goodbye" to a good character. (Who yes, made some insanely bad decisions.)

I thought the sequences with the ghost hallucination people were effective. It would be interesting to know if there were some people who were on a "Wanted" list for that sequence, but the actors weren't available. For instance, wouldn't Tyreese have seen… ummm… what's her name… his sweetheart from the prison? Or the

Hmmmm. Good question. Tyreese knew that the Terminus people were holding Rick & Co. against their will. But. I don't think that Carol knew about the cannibalism until she actually broke into Terminus.
This would mean that Tyreese didn't know about the cannibalism either.

That being the case, I am thinking that the rather dull Russians side story will also not come to much.

You'd think it would come up a lot, given that Mary's son probably asks about Daddy.

There was one telling slip-up, when he referred to "him" (the real Patrick) instead of "me" (or something similar) and has to correct himself. I think that was supposed to be a big clue. I only picked it up after multiple viewings.

Now that I think of it, I believe Mary told Tony that it was Matthew who turned her into a nicer person. I guess when he died, so did any growth on her part.