
Agree completely.

Lol! Totally incompatible. L. Ron Hubbard, in one of his lectures, said Jesus was a pedophile. And the Fair Game policy is hardly the answer to What Would Jesus do?

If Cartwright left the show due to a parody episode, I doubt they would kill off Bart (he's too integral) but I am sure they would discuss it, then get someone else to do the voice.

I think he left the show because of that episode, so they had to kill the character off.

Yeah, and Cartwright actually got in trouble for using the Bart voice to Robocall people about her endorsement of Scientology materials being used in schools.

Absuhfuckinglutely. Considering that any Scientology celeb who contributes money to the cult is helping to fund human trafficking (via the Sea Org), I simply stop watching their stuff.

Was Gabriel more likable in the comics? He's the only non-zombie, non-super villain that I actively want to die.

He also gave Abraham a reason to live, though in a fucked up way.

True! It would have been more like a bad text message: U wil burn 4 this

Apologies if this has been addressed, but I could have sworn Tasha was looking at a scratch. Apparently, she wasn't, because there wasn't ominous music playing (!) but what was she examining?

The problem is, you aren't allowed to leave. That makes any place automatically suck.

Which did you think was the weak one? (I don't disagree: just curious.)

Yes, Morgan. I think Rick "taught" everyone else that term. Glenn had been calling them geeks.

Details, please! (I am prepping for the ZA.)

Okay, so I am going to write this down on a post-it in case we ever have a ZA: go to Minnesota!! Assuming you could keep warm in the winter (a challenge, to be sure) all of the zombies would be frozen - the ones outdoors, at least. Ideally, you could then kill them while they were frozen. I don't know if it would

You know what's weird about this show? I would never go to a male OB-GYN. Having mostly guy doctors at the practice is sort of old-fashioned. Don't most women prefer a female gyno? So, they must just want Mindy being the only woman doctor there for the show's structure.

I believe the guy who plays Morgan is a co-writer. Iow, he's staying.

I was thinking they could have run her down on purpose. They kidnap people, after all.

People here tend to think the opposite: that Zach hates on the show too much.

I wonder how expensive, exactly, it is? PBS sure as hell had better get a few new puppets out of showing that AWFUL Jimmy Fallon (omitting name of sponsoring company out of spite) ad where he impersonates Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Cosby.
Millions of puppets, more like. And premium mother fucking bird seed for the