
That wasn't on Sesame Street. No idea what you said, apart from "agua," of course.

I have seen Angel on at least one list of Worst Series Endings. And I would put it on Best Series Endings, and its entry on the former list on my own WTF?! List.

I admit, I could be wrong. Sounds like I am. ;) But I explain in my response to one of your like-minded posters.

I would have to rewatch it. But the whole Cordelia has a baby with Angel's son, and gives birth to a goddess thing… that's all I remember.

While they're at it, how about rerecording the background chorus of John Lennon's, "Happy Christmas"? Marrying Yoko was one thing. Letting her sing back up was unforgivable.

I believe tv show reviewers partly rate shows against other episodes of a show… though there have to be other components, since new shows are also reviewed.

But… eventually, Shane would shoot you in the gut if he had to escape walkers, and you could be their moveable feast. Rick wouldn't do that. He's too British.

Oh my goodness! It IS fake Chris Rock, huh? Good for him! He looked to me like this one guy who used to be on Mad TV, and also did commercials for 7UP. But I guess that guy would look a lot older, now… they would have had to freeze him in time. Never mind.

I think it was just that he's uber-masculine, and so it's safe (with someone you know well and they get your sense of humor) to joke with them about that. Also, in S1, say, Daryl might have gotten pissed about that. Shows he's grown?

I wonder if the show will follow up on that. Maybe seeing the book is all we needed to know.

I would add Angel to this list. That show just got more and more ridiculous.

Yes, it's not exactly Seinfeld: the final seasons.

Carol and Daryl hold hands as they drive forward into the great blue yonder, totally Thelma and Louising it. Loved it.

Maybe instead of always stealing weapons from other people, folks like Noah should try simply asking politely if, say, Carol and Daryl have any extra knives or guns that are weighing them down.

Yeah, it can kind of be distracting. But I think product placement is worse: it always takes me out of the moment, because I think, "Wonder how much Pepsi paid to have the cast all drink it?"

Sounds like this movie could be a fap fest for folks who are worried the gubment gonna take their guns and think everyone should walk around with a loaded weapon.

So, what you're saying is you need to borrow some money?

Exactly! Did Capital One sign a deal with the devil (much like the one you sign to buy stuff on credit with high interest rates) in order to get A-list celebrities to pimp for them?

I just assumed they were in the car making out.

Hey, girl.