
1) Because someone has to say it (or say it for the umpteenth time): The One Ring. Also wouldn't mind the necklace that Arwen gives… oh, shit, let's just say Viggo Mortenson, who gives it back to her, and we feel sad.
2) The hat that Rhett Butler gives Scarlett O'Hara: the one she puts on backwards at first, and it has

If they had gone ahead and said "F***ing" (indeed, with asteriks), I would at least be mildly interested. But. There's nothing edgy or funny (or even PG-rated) about "Friggin'." It just sounds dumb.

Yes! Good, thoughtful questions, and answers of the same quality.

Hmmm… Is that so Captain Janeway can enter the Kingdom of God? How much did she make, anyway??

You're quite right that the Freeloader Debt is not legally enforceable. But most $cientologists don't know that. Most importantly, they want to stay in good standing with the "church." They're also worried about fucking up their eternity, since you have to sign a BILLION YEAR (no, really) contract to join the Sea Org.

I think it was in slow motion simply so we could get a better look at what was going on. Didn't get the impression the show was trying to do a faux "Epic Escape!!" thing by slowing it down. Just didn't want us to miss anything.

There is some stuff in this episode I missed… but I really don't want to watch it again. For instance, didn't Noah-while-ironing say something to Beth about Virginia (as in, state of)? That made me think that, when they were escaping, they would go towards DC and meet up with Maggie and Co.

Great, intelligent post!
re: the hospital — based on the teasers from last week, I couldn't help but hope the hospital people were working (even if it was pointlessly) on some sort of cure. Actually, that would have been just as grim. But, at least the people would be doing something that made some sense to somebody at

re: fucking it up — you're quite right. I was thinking of the moment, though, when the patient dies and Officer Bitch comes in and is like, "What did you DO?!" ("You're a highly-trained medical professional!") As in, why does she expect things to go smoothly when non-doctors and non-nurses are doing stuff that

The hospital set-up reminded me of Scientology's Sea Org. You work your ass off, get paid very little or not at all. You're not allowed to leave, and if you do manage to "route out," they hit you with a "Freeloader Debt" to pay for all of the room and board you supposedly owe them. People who get out often have to

Q: What was the story with the poor woman in the hospital who had her arm cut off against her will? That was confusing to me (not that she needed her arm cut off, of course). I thought something was said that indicated she might have been in the hospital and escaped, or something like that. And then, did she end up

Let's say it's Noah that comes out of the forest with Daryl. I feel like they could have shown that - either during the previous episode, or in last night's episode - without spoiling anything. That cliffhanger seemed cheap to me.

Yes, we only nitpick about shows we enjoy. We abuse it out of love for it.

If you're enjoying the show, it would be fun to go back and see the previous seasons. It's true enough that stuff that happens to characters earlier *seem* to affect them later. Also, you can see which characters are part of the original group, and who came when.

re: escape bait. I had that thought, too, but I think he was the more likely bait. I think it came down to "get out if and when you can, I'll help you if I can, but if I can't, I'm leaving."

True! But I don't think she worked as a vet tech, necessarily. Maybe she did, but you'd think someone would have asked her if she knew how to give a shot. (Admittedly, sometimes conversations where key info should have been conveyed are left out on this show.)
Actually, though, I think for animals, in many cases you

Has Beth ever given anyone an injection before? How can throw an untrained person into the role of a nurse and then get pissed when she fucks it up?

They never watched Buffy, or else they knew pointy sticks can come in handy. That show is all kinds of helpful.

What's up with Officer McBitch getting slappy all of the time? Can't she just put people in "time out"?

People may have brought this up already, but the usual Confusing Timeline of Events Strikes Again. For instance, how long was Beth at the hospital before Carol is brought in? It seems like she is only in there for a few days: a week at most.