
For the first time this season, I was a bit bored. And I agree with Zach: the fuzziness of what exactly was going on at the prison was confusing, and Lady Officer in Charge was annoying.
It didn't help that I find Beth to be one of the least compelling characters. It's not the actress's fault. She doesn't seem to have

This review really nails the episode's problem, and why Chris Rock is one of the few stars to soar higher after leaving SNL: he is funniest playing himself. Having him take on scripted roles in all of the usual unfunny skits was a waste. I think stand-up is his best outlet, where he can rant about his perceptions and

The ONE pet peeve for me about this show is Bernadette. She's adorable and all that, but her voice! It's finger nails on the chalk board to me.

I loved Jimmy Fallon on Weekend Update, but cringe, cringe, CRINGE during his "interviews" with celebs when they say something - ANYTHING - that doesn't relate to, say, 9/11 or the Holocaust, and Fallon does the "That's the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER HEARD!" fake laughing. As in, fake laughing so damn hard, no sound

To copycat "The Stickler": "Ahem, I am sure you meant to say, The Polygamist SeducER, no? (Dead yet?)

Agree with others that a prequel is an extraordinarily bad idea. Part of the draw, after all, of TTCM is wondering how the hell that crazy family got to the point of fucked-up-ness they inhabit.

Great shout out to a fantastic thriller no one has heard of. I think the comparison to Gone Girl, though, is misleading. (I would say the only similarity at is that a woman goes missing.) No matter.

I might actually watch that intentionally. But if it's Lifetime, where in the name of Christmas is the husband with a secret life?

It seems like there's a Theater vs. Home Alone debate… I vote for both! I posted somewhere else here about watching in a group — but the second-most scary viewing experience I had was watching A Cabin in the Woods. I was housesitting in an area of the county that had few street lights and no cell phone service. I

Of course. But I don't keep one at my desk. Then again, I'm not a minister.

I am glad I left it to someone else to explain! :)

You are going to Mormon hell.

They had this Campus Cinema thing at UC Davis where you paid two bucks, and they showed a movie on Friday night that was on the verge of being out on video ('twas the 1990's). The movie was shown in the huge lecture hall of Chem 194.

I caught a bit of H3 on AMC the other night. It must be the "weird" one (subtitle is Season of the Witch, I think). There were creepy robots.

So, are we saying Laurie could have avoided all the bullshit by simply getting a restraining order?

The sick fucks at KFC are totally cool with chickens at the slaughterhouses being boiled alive, albeit unintentionally, during the scalding process. You'd think if it happened once, they would change the method, but apparently not. What do they, think not making sure the poultry is dead yet adds a deliciousness

Dog thing: holy shit!
Judith thing: I got to wondering last night if Judith might grow up to accidentally be illiterate. If she'll know how to write, know what a star is made of, know about electrons, and multiplication tables… potty training is going to be fun.

Or direwolves.

Is anyone else wondering about the likelihood that Gabriel's church just *happened* to have a can opener lying around? It sure doesn't look like one of those churches with a kitchen.

Holy crap, I HOPE it has been more than 3 weeks since they met up with Bob. We should probably treat TWD timeline of events in the same way we treat the actual physical location of Springfield, on The Simpsons: under a microscope, it doesn't make sense, but you just kind of go with it.