
It could be she's just assuming the worst: that Beth is dead, and is just trying not to think about it. Who knows. But you'd think staying in Georgia would give her the best chance of seeing Beth again the soonest. (Maybe she takes for granted, as the viewers do, that missing group members will eventually meet up

Another reason Tasha is an asset: wasn't she trying to tell the others that going to Terminus could be a bad plan? Wouldn't mind if someone gave her credit for being right.

Interesting: on Talking Dead, they mentioned that part of the rationale for building a faux church for the show is that they didn't want to do that type of scene in an actual church.

Esp since it took Martin or whomever five seconds to knock in the door.

Was confused at first about the red "A" painted on the church. I have three theories:
1) Zack's episode grade
2) Puritanical Termites are going all Hester Prynne on Maggie, regarding her pre-marital sex
3) Smart-ass reference to cattle car at Terminus

I hear someone unearthed a mini-prequel to the Hobbit, which Tolkien
wrote in the form of a ten-page short story. And Peter Jackson wants to
devote an entire film to each page. Including the title page. That is
correct. The first film will simply be credits.

I can't believe this is a Thing. Excellent…

True! There's this whole above-and-beyond thing, when it comes to cannibalism, though. Even then, when it's everyone literally starving to death somewhere on the North Pole, and people just eat whomever dies first… but to wake up Bob just to show him that they were eating his leg and it wasn't personal. Too fucked up.

I actually think the Glenn character would have told people that Maggie is out of his league.

So glad this was made. Can't wait to see it.

The pilot made me think the show was first-person Dean Thomas, which I liked. But now it feels like first-person Nobody. There's no omniscient third-person POV, either. I just feel like I am sitting there watching actors do stuff, without getting to "know" any of the characters. I mean, I get that they are all willing

Wondering now if that house where, last season, Daryl and Beth found all that food was also a Terminus trap. It was certainly somebody's trap. But from what they said on The Talking Dead, Beth is still alive, so I don't know why that would be, if it was Terminus folk who caught her.

Oh my gosh: Hannibal really got to me… it was the first thing I watched where it was truly fucked up and I regretted having watched it.
P.S. One thing about the G of Thrones books is they are actually less graphic, believe it or not. There's gross stuff, to be sure. But for instance, we find out that the Unsullied

Game of Thrones really is pretty awesome, though it has difficult scenes, too (see my other post). I like Vikings, started watching How to Get Away with Murder, and it's good so far.

Ramsey. (Bolton's bastard.)

I will always love Andrea for giving us a sex scene with Jon Bethnal.

On Talking Dead, the actor who plays Tyreese seemed to say that Tyreese thought/hoped the beating killed the guy.

If he did THAT, though, is it possible he could get carried away? Oh my gosh, he would definitely have been part of the Raw Food movement. So, watch yourself with that guy.

Where's Hodor when you need him?

It did seem like Bob was bitten… though I can't remember how long it takes to get to Walker from bitten. I was hoping, though, he might turn himself into a secret weapon in that way, with Gareth and Friends. Could still happen.
BUT, let's say the Z bit his ankle (it would have had to be somewhere like that), he would