
He thought he was really cool, because he'd go into Starbucks, and they remembered his name and his order: Tall, soy, no foam, sprinkle of nutmeg.

I think he's been rounding up people for the Terminus folk, and in return, they protect him. Or something.

You know, I had the exact same reaction. It was like: "And… we're done." Felt the same way with the castration scene in Game of Thrones. However, I did stick with that show. I will give TWD another episode or two, but if they take the cannibalism thing and run with it, I am out for good. (Seems like the "you taste

Hmmm… not sure why, with the many hyperlinks in this article, one was not included for for the John C. Reilly syndrome, though I think I catch the drift of it.

True! But it was kind of half-assed. I was thinking of something that would probably happen in a post-apocalypse scenario… there would be a reboot of large-scale food production.

I meant that the zombies, by killing living humans, were "stealing" food from Terminus residents, who were also eating humans. I was trying to be clever. Whoops. ;)

Well-written, clever article. PS: I had thought, for some reason, Gacy "just" had tons of paintings of clowns on his walls. Didn't know he dressed up as one. Crap.

What did he say, though, while he was punching the dude? I got the impression he was being beaten to death. With Carol, Tyreese said the guy threatened Judith, and Carol moved to go kill him, but Tyreese said that he already did.
I could be wrong: the guy could be alive. But Tyreese was okay with other people doing


Great post! I think I just wanted someone to acknowledge the fact, even muttering it to themselves, that the Walkers are stealing whatever food is left on earth: What's Plan B? I don't blame the writers: but I want the characters to address this kind of problem. (Like when in Game of Thrones, Hot Pie or Gendry asks

I'm waiting rather impatiently for someone to at least TALK about planting a bunch of stuff and producing, instead of scavenging. A scenario like that of Morgan's, with pretty bad-ass security, would at least be a good try-out place for planting a few green beans.

I still think Terminus' screening process sucks. Who on earth would see their friends' personal paraphernalia (e.g. watch, poncho) being worn by others, and the friends are nowhere in sight, and be down with that? The group that Daryl fell in with sure wouldn't. Actually, it would have been interesting to see how the

Yes! :)

Actually, I think he (Tyrese) told Carol he did kill the guy in the cabin. I think it will have been a key turning point for his character.

It very well could be real: if so, he faked me out. He sure doesn't come off as a scientist, though. A programmer? Maybe. But he also seems to like throwing in $10 words here and there… it makes him appear to be faking some sort of genius.

When Tasha (I think that's her name) asked Eugene to just tell them what the cure is, he pauses. I thought he was going to say/admit(?) he had been b.s.ing them all this time. It sounded like he made the human genome thing up right then.

One interesting thing they mentioned on The Talking Dead that I don't think a lot of people would have realized (I sure didn't), was the identity of the recently-dead-looking dude laying on the table in the defacto slaughterhouse. (Rick advised someone later to just let him turn.) Apparently, that was Garret's

I think it was apt, actually. It's a way of saying, this isn't Nazi stuff in the past. Anyone could do it. Plus, I am sure the Nazis learned a lot of it from other evil fucks.

Definitely, re: Season 4, Pt. 2. Re: crying baby… the guy in charge of all the zombie stuff said the baby didn't like being in the crate, and was crying. So, they just filmed her being kind of fussy/crying, and used the footage as needed. Also, the dad was there the whole time: it was actually his hand on the baby.

I'm just bitter we didn't get to see his face get eaten off, is all. Rick and I are totally on the same page in that regard.