
I feel like he must have seen her dead, then left. I was just surprised he was still alive. And I had no idea who he was until they mentioned it on TWD. I thought his "meaningful" look to Rick was more like, Holy Crap! Worst way to die EVER. Instead of, Hey, don't I know you? I saw Carol got her watch back at the end,

Re: Garrett. That was spoiler-ish. Control yourself! ;)

PS: We're all in agreement that Garreth/Garret is still alive, yes?

Granted, I've never had my huge safe house taken over by psychopaths, but I'm still unclear how that led to cannibalism… at least (or especially) beyond the original psychos. Okay, so eat your enemies (I guess), if you consider that the best form of revenge. But, if you're worried about being taken over and out by

Is anyone else wondering if the other students in the class are getting pissed off that Viola Davis only pays attention to a handful of students? I need some eye-rolling. Surely not everyone else in that class is a dumb-ass. I'll be interested in whether or not we'll have other students come into play, other than to

I caught the first minute or so of the pilot, and that was it (for some reason)… so, I saw the tour guide showcasing he house of a wealthy Black family. I thought that was very clever. But for this episode, I DID wonder where the race issue disappeared to: comedies about upper-middle class families and their First

Exactly. Did all that reading blind him?

My mom wouldn't let me watch What's Happenin'?! but The Cosby Show was a-okay.

Made the mistake of watching The Simpsons with my grandma who said, "Mercy!" to Bart's colorful language.

The two shows which I adored so much at the time, I am reluctant to watch them now, lest they be crap in the harsh light of adulthood: Diff'rent (somehow, the apostrophe made it edgier) Strokes and the Smurfs. Later, it was You Can't Do That On Television! (HUGE crush on Alistair) and Double Dare. Where in the World

I adore that you said Huzzah! That's why I come here: commenters here feel like My People. <3

The filmmaker (Kurt Kuenne) is an acquaintance of mine; we sat next to each other at a wedding. Nice guy. The wedding was actually for one of our mutual friends, who was interviewed in the doc. The bride from that wedding had a baby a few years back, and David's mom sent her some baby clothes she had crocheted by

I was going to say that often, truth is more interesting than anything anyone can make up. But then I realized, the writers of Rome probably made a lot of shit up.

My nomination for glaring omission: Dear Zachary.
Heartbreaking, and helped change a Canadian as regards criminals: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1…

Anyone with that hairstyle has no right to say anything insulting to anyone at any time.

Not to be nosy, but could you expand on that?

Just as I liked Popeye, I also liked Garp. In fact, it made me try some John Irving. Oh my gosh, I hate that guy's writing so much! As someone else mentioned here, they toned things down in the movie of Garp — or else I probably would not have liked it. But I often think back to the haunting ending of the film, when

Maybe people already know about this, but I accidentally came across the following video of Robin Williams and that sign-language-doing gorilla, Koko… I think a few months ago, it might have made me roll my eyes, but at this moment, it hit the spot: http://youtu.be/GorgFtCqPEs

Oh my gosh! I forgot he was in Popeye! I was, like, one of the two
people who adored that movie. My "default" image of him is as Mork. But
he played so many characters that barely resembled what he really looked
like - Popeye, creepy One-Hour Photo guy, Mrs. Doubtfire - so dynamic. I
can't think of another comedic

Oh, wow. I forgot about that one. It actually made me angry, and I remember having a fight about it with my then-boyfriend. I might have hated it, but a movie that elicits such an emotional response must have power.