
So, today at work, a co-worker was quoting some tv pundit who was criticizing the media for spending so much time talking about Robin Williams' death. Although I have complained before about tv news being too celebrity-obsessed, I couldn't help but think, "What the hell is wrong with you [heartless co-worker]?" This

Orphan Black, anyone?

Slight tangent, but I started watching Game of Thrones a few months ago, and it made me realize how bad something - at least in comparison - like The Walking Dead is. TWD used to be one of my favorite shows. But a great show really makes mediocre stuff stand out. Kind of like drinking instant, watery cocoa all your

True! I esp liked him in the paintball episodes.

I finally saw the last two episodes! This season made me realize that we were right to mourn the loss of Troy (Abed needs a foil, and hopefully the gf he mentioned could fill that role).
And yet: Pierce? I like Hickey so much (in part, thanks to the strange charisma of the actor who plays him) that I am actually not

I love reading reviews of D and F movies. Well-panned.

So happy… no words… they should have sent a poet…

Untrue. Jesus hung out with people who needed help and whom other people shunned… the poor, the sick, prostitutes, et al. He hung out with rich people, too, (it was a rich friend who paid for Jesus's tomb, that the boulder would be rolled in front of). However, a lot of rich people Jesus met had put all of their faith

The correct response on the part of the attorney who is consulted regarding patenting, "What Would Jesus Do?" is, "Stop being an asshole."

Re: that in caps: I lol'ed!

Another one based on real life…
Remember taping your favorite movies off of broadcast tv onto ye olde video cassette tapes?
You are creating the perfect, ad-free future experience by conscientiously hitting "pause" on the remote control during the commercials.
You get a rhythm going. You begin to anticipate when the end

I, Claudius doesn't need to be redone in terms of acting quality, costumes, script, and all that matters most. But it would be fabulous to watch it made with some money behind it. I usually don't care about production values overly much. But it does have that 1970's BBC thing going on hardcore: with the weird

Upvote for using Forrest Gump as a verb!
Masterpiece Classic did that with Any Human Heart. Though to be fair, the book it was based on probably did it first.
It only made me dislike the thing more.
Okay, I'm done now. Carry on.

Yes, please, for I, Claudius! Benedict Cumberbatch could be Caligula. Never mind, he should save himself for Sherlock.

Watch what you say about the unexpectedly sexy Dinklage. You have been warned.

Did someone already mention "The Tudors"? It was uber-cheesy at times, but it fits in the list.
Edit: By cheesy, I guess I mean heavy-handed as regards "symbolism." The Walking Dead reminds me of it in that one way.

Rome is one if those shows I admire, but could never get into, unfortunately. I know enough, though, to wish it had gone on for more seasons.

"Advice from random people on the internet." That's Yelp's raison d'etre, no?

I don't know about that… Martin certainly borrowed from some of these: I, Claudius comes to mind. It's well worth one's time, and involves real historical figures (like Caligula! He makes Joffrey look reasonable), as does Vikings, which I adore. They should redo I, Claudius, though. It's true enough that you can't

I would love to see Tyrion and Varys join Sansa and Baelish… Varys tells off Baelish, and pushes the guy down the moon door. Baelish is hanging by a rope (for some reason) and it coils around the leg of Lysa's son. They both go down.
Tyrion and Sansa, against all odds, live happily ever after.
Lol, right! But I want to