
Character I was surprised to have a sex dream about: Tyrion
Character I am relieved I didn't have a sex dream about: Ramsay
Character for whom I would kiss a girl in order to kiss, in turn: Oberyn

Aw. Good point. I was just hoping he could take a page from Merle's book, though, and be a total badass mowing down snow zombies with his awesome knife hand.

Is there any reason why Jaime can't have some sort of awesome hook? He could actually probably do some sort of sword work that way. (I know he mentioned that a hook would be more useful, but the subject was dropped.)
A gold hand just seems so dumb (and heavy).
I'm thinking him having an essentially useless hand must

Jon Snow is a good guy; so are Bran and his buds. But I see what you mean about things getting gray.
EDIT: and Brienne!

Thanks for writing this up! Am having deja vu from Lost, though, re: Who-Knows-What.
For instance, do Bran & Co. know about the Red Wedding?
Also, would Sansa and Tyrion have to get a divorce if she is to marry Lysa's son? (No doubt Baelish could arrange some sort of annulment, though, esp since the marriage wasn't

Isn't Little finger also supposed to be in charge of Harrenhal (sp)? Or is that locale covered in one of the areas mentioned in the other comments?


Not sure if this thread is dead or what, but fwiw… I though the most disturbing scene (not that disturbing scenes need to be violent, but I assume we're talking about extreme violence on the show because of its possibly disturbing nature) of the show so far involved Ramsay Snow/Bolton.
I'm thinking of the episode where

There was a snag, though, with Bronn getting Shae on the ship. As the audience, we could almost be sure she didn't get on the ship, because Tyrion asks Bronn (paraphrase): "So, you saw her get on the ship, right?" Bronn: "No: I didn't ACTUALLY see her get on, but she's on it okay, sheesh! Calm down…"

Oh! I had thought that that one was cancelled out… as in, that murder would have only been used up if he had actually killed himself. But I can also see how the arrangement made counted as the third murder… it ended up getting her multiple ones, huh, considering the guards had to die.

Maybe. But he also had the "secret" plan of sending Tyrion to The Wall. It is believable to me both that he would call off the death sentence at the last moment, or lie to Tyrion about doing it while on the pot. The part that doesn't add up to me is that Tywin is a smart dude, and you'd think that he'd be smart enough

Random: but one thing I noticed is (and perhaps the books do it differently) — there is no obvious euphemism for "whore." In modern day Western culture, it's an insult. But I don't know if Westeros has a term like "prostitute." It's strange, though — on the tv show, I get the vibe that "whore" is both an official term

I believe when dead sexy ninja assassin guy gave Arya the coin, he said, "If ever you have need of me again…" We assumed it was for the third death she was owed, but since he invited her to come with, he could have also meant when she was ready for that.
At the time, she said she couldn't go, because she had to find

Maybe someone already speculated… but I think encountering Shae may well have been a surprise, for Tyrion. I think he was there for Tywin, and then when Shae was in Dad's bed, revenge didn't even have so much to do with her testimony during the trial (it was possible she was blackmailed, I had been thinking), but with

Ah! Never knew the dragons had been ride-a-ble at some point. It's possible, I suppose, that the book she read had kind of a folk tale spin, but in a magical world, I don't see why it couldn't have been true.

Actually, he might have thought that Tyrion killed the boy king, I guess? Except that he probably knew better.
PS: Not quite sure how Tyrion is going to live without his Iron Bank Platinum Card.

I don't think people ride them on this show. They just throw some raw steaks on the grill, run and hide in a cave, and hope for the best: charred leftovers.

Q: Was he lying to Tyrion when he said he was never going to actually have him killed? Probably, huh?

Also, Cersei was bound to be the most pissed of anyone that Tyrion escaped. Only Jaime (and probably their youngest son, what's-his-name) would be safe from her wrath. In fact, any guard that was supposed to be making sure he didn't escape had better get the hell out of Dodge.

Without Tywin there, Cersei is more or less in charge. I wouldn't want to be around for that.