
I think that Brienne finding her own purpose next season will be part of her transformation. However, there is still Sansa… not that she could be convinced to leave. However, there is the question: where would Brienne bring her?

I didn't see it as him becoming a True Lannister… it was perverse way of standing up for himself.

I was kind of disappointed she didn't kill him: I thought that they had forged some sort of weird alliance. It might be why I'm not a big Arya fan.

Although I'm a big fan of violating expectations and cliches/tropes, I really long for a hero character whom we can always depend on to do the right thing. I felt like Robb was that character… at least up until his marriage. As I rewatch these episodes, it becomes clear what a terrible mistake that was (although

"For the first time in a long time, I am proud to be an American." Thanks for not watching, folks.

Does anyone here watch "Keeping Up Appearances"? That's not the kind of show I'd ever thought I'd like — it has the laugh track from hell, for instance, like a lot of BBC sitcoms from that era — and the humor is broad. But watching the show is kind of a "thing" between my mom, my sister, and me, and that's why I like

In the karma department, when I think of what on earth people would do with such video (!) I have to believe that whomever they eagerly showed it to would say, "Why did you video tape this? Why weren't you at least calling 911?"

I hate people sometimes.

What people need to do is to stop watching it. I am sure most people think it is a "guilty pleasure," but they're feeding the greed. Confession: I've watched it. But let's have this be TMZ's, "okay, you guys have gone too far," moment, and turn off the tv. (end of sanctimonious rant…)

I was wondering the same thing… and particularly, if the Mountain died, what that would mean in terms of who "won" the battle. I am thinking he's still alive.

It's an interesting point… re: the quality of his writing. He has written a well-respected book on writing, too. I think it comes down to the different qualities of writing… perhaps we could compare those qualities to those in a singing voice: you can have a *good* singing voice, but the things that make the voice

Yes, most tv - and movie - adaptations of his stuff is pretty bad. Exceptions? Yes. But I think the main fault is that things are scarier when you don't see them, but think about them: once a "monster" appears on screen, it just ain't that scary. That was the problem with "IT," I thought. The monster in that book was

I remember I got on a Stephen King kick a few years back, and of course read The Stand. This is the kind of site I would have liked to use to discuss it — I was dying to talk about it, and I specifically joined a SK fan site to talk, and I swear, it was all 14 year-old boys writing in caps about THE STAND FUCKING

It's funny that Jon Snow and Tyrion have had way more screen time together than Jon and any of the Starks! Honestly, I think the reason his (Jon's) stories can seem less enthralling than the others is that we never got to see him interact much with his family. It was like, we met him, and then he was alone.

People seem to assume that Tyrion will survive until next season: who knows, though. What I'm wondering is whether or not the Trial by Combat makes the agreement made between Tywin Lannister and Jaime Lannister null and void. Of course, Tywin can enforce it if he wants to, as the de facto king. But since the agreement

I couldn't help it: I did a mental eye roll when she said her final You Know Nothing, Jon Snow. (Even if it was in the book, they changed other little things, right?) It didn't even make sense half of the time when she said it. It became almost like her, "Hodor."

I really loved, though, how when the one defender began to freak out and *almost* ran away, Grenn grabbed him and began to recite the oath. I feel like the cliched thing would have been for the guy to turn tail, speed off, and have the remaining others shout, "Coward!" at him. And then we see him later, dying in

In one of the recent reviews where obvious CGI was cited in an episode, the reviewer speculated that the producers must have been scrimping for a future episode. I think it was this one. Honestly, I hate CGI and am super-critical when it is apparent. But I thought this episode looked great: not sure how they split

I swear, the Game of Thrones wiki page is my new best friend… when I read this, I immediately thought, "Theoden. Oh, yes. Poor ol' Reek." Between this show, LOTR, Harry Potter, and Vikings, I swear… EDIT: and Star Wars, Star Trek, et al…

Thanks! The Wildlings are definitely a group I don't quite understand. I've seen them as synonymous with (in one of no doubt many examples) the American (USA) Indians: and there would be different "tribe" groups.
But then we see the Thenns (again = thanks for clarifying!) and they look like something out of Star Trek.