
I don't think we have any real proof the people are cannibals, but I do think we know Terminus residents are killing people. I just don't know what they do with them afterwards.
EDIT: Despite any "it will hold up in court" proof, apparently they really are cannibals, I guess.

I liked how Michonne brought up that Terminus could be a raw deal: the fact that right after that, they got ambushed by extras from Deliverance did give you a, "We are SO not safe out here" reason for choosing Terminus, I guess.

I hope this doesn't come off as a cruel question, but does HJ Osment wear a fat suit in The Spoils of Babylon?

I am pretty sure it still needs to be wound up… unless my grandfather clock is making a sucker of me.

I can't believe one million Americans are too lazy to make an all-out search for the lost remote. Actually, I completely can. Never mind.

Can they just cancel Comic Book Men already? I can't even stand its commercials. And I am pretty sure the only people who watch it are those who watch the "encore" presentation of TWD, and lose their remote in the couch cushions, and are too lazy to get up and change the channel.

Anna Gunn: played the mom in Breaking Bad.

They used to be funny, esp Glenn. Remember when Maggie called Glenn Walker Bait?

What's the actor who played Sayid doing?

Are we talking about Downton Abbey now?

Re: fence

Oh, crap! Remember how they got rid of a body in Fried Green Tomatoes, via the bbq, then served it up to the police?

And just like at any American stadium, you're better off not knowing what goes into those hot dogs.

Come now. We all know Terminus people are good people. Where's your Inner Beth?

1) As unwelcome as the Governor's presence on the show became, he is the one guy whom I could see calling b.s. on Terminus. For instance, he's walking along with Tara, and Tara's niece and sister, and sees the Terminus sign. Could anyone actually picture him saying, "Okay, let's go." It would be more like,

Yeah, although it's very realistic in a ZA context, and though Beth is of age and the actress who plays her is in her '20s, Beth just happens to look 12. Ick. (At least if Beth gets killed, the actress who plays her has a guaranteed back-up gig as perv bait on that hidden camera pedophile show.)

Re: house trap.
Okay… trying to find logic in some of the show's decisions is to fight a losing battle, but it can still be a fun fight (Abraham would agree, no doubt).

True. But I might have expected her to point out her suspicions of Terminus again.

I think we're on the same page… and I am sure you're not saying I that I must have weak faith, but I think I am missing something. I don't think "strength" of faith is correlated with whether or not someone watches Christian movies.

#3 especially