
In the '50s, didn't the pro-McCarthy crew insist that Communists ate babies?

Crazy is more entertaining though, probably!

It kind of seems like the worst of the crew is getting weeded out… and there does seem to be an (albeit unrealistic) "honor among thieves" agreement with them.
It's almost believable that if Daryl told Joe, "When we find Beth, no one can rape her okay?" Joe would shrug and sigh and say in a resigned way: "Oh, okay…"

I lol'ed, and feel appropriately sheepish…

I think so… usually the movies are pretty bad.

As a Christian, I want to pipe in and say that even Christians know Christian movies usually stink. If I decide to watch them anyway, I go in prepped to hate-watch, and try to be pleasantly surprised. (You definitely have to give a pass to low production values, for example). I did enjoy, however, uh-oh… the one with

Three things I am wondering:

You're making some good points, to be sure. And in moments when people are being attacked, I think a cool head and rational thinking is unheard of, mostly.

They enter Terminus, and are invited to dinner.

Spoiler? Do not want…

Actually, Sasha showed a healthy skepticism that T was all that… Maggie wanted to go because Glenn would be there. Now that G and M found each other, you'd think they'd reevaluate the plan

I guess it was walkers that got killed. I like my theory better!

Did we ever find out what made Eugene say Omg when he looked at the tunnel?
I mean, could he actually see inside, and if what he saw was Maggie and co, well, that was an odd thing to say, I think.

Hopefully Terminus isn't full of Commies… Judith would be a goner.

Jeff Kobor appeared in a couple of episodes of Buffy S5. Good, creepy character…

I don't think it would fit, would it?

Dang, I get that cannibalism happened in the comics, but in a world where living humans are scarce, and you need them to fight walkers, why on earth would you eat them?? (Unless it's a rare delicacy thing. Got it.)

I wondered about the sunflowers: I guess you could eat sunflower seeds, but it seems like you would devote any precious soil to things like lettuce, potatoes, et al.

I assumed the zombies that got crushed had not been zombies until the avalanche of rocks killed them. And with no one to give them a poke in the head, they turned.

I think he also wanted to make sure she hadn't gone zombie in the tunnel; but after that was confirmed, I didn't get why they didn't turn around.