
I think all the good guys died, though (or at least the guys we were rooting for: a la Butch Cassidy: I'm sure the season finale's last scene was meant to invoke that movie).

There was one, though. Then came the series.

I can watch movies with violence, and Reedus was way hot, but there was one point (can't remember the scene) where things got so unpleasant, I just turned it off. Despite Daryl being in it. :(

Party Down also benefited from wrapping things up properly. I liked the last scene of the season 2 (and de facto series) finale very much.
I don't know if it was planned for just two seasons or not. But to me, it actually played out like a BBC series where they knew they were only working with two or three seasons and

I still smile thinking of Logan's retort to creepy sex video dorm guy ("You're gonna die!!"): "Someday…"

No one wants a real-life Logan. I think the reason why the character is so popular is because he ISN'T real. I tend to totally fall for the bad boy thing (ooooh, the drama!) but I'm done with that sh** now.
Ready for a Piz. Except not one who combs his hair forward like Justin Bieber did. Even if Logan was not as

you got it.
EDIT: whoops. Thanks, Czar.

Seconded. Although I enjoy the reviews and other articles here, it was the intelligence of the commenters that won me over.

I think it's partly that his character is so good with the crossbow, which is always satisfying to watch, and I don't think Daryl has made a ton of stupid decisions, so that helps.
He's really MASCULINE, and his relationship with Merle, and how he eventually stood up to him and for himself (the S3 rescue of the

I really didn't like that movie.

If you watch the series, I promise you won't feel ambivalent about the movie. Now get to work!

haha, good point, re: bed!

You're not a woman, or a gay man, I take it.

I think she went to the basement at the end of the previous episode.

She's why I originally watched the show.

Brace yourself for the Twin Peaks theory adherents to defensively point out that this episode featured a restaurant that serves pie.

No Emma deCody?? Explain.

But I think Dylan's dad is supposed to be an ex-husband of Norma's?

While watching this show, I think of the original movie and try to match up what's going on… I am wondering if they're going to get Norma back doing that Sex is Bad, m'kay? thing she was doing in S1, which matched the movie. (I am thinking, as surely we must all be, that the show's finale will be such that you could

But Mrs. Watson's murder - and if Norman didn't do it, I am sure we are meant to believe he did - would be his second one, right? Didn't he kill his dad? For me, that's the clincher for why it makes sense that he killed the teacher.