
Good eye, re: diary!
Re: horror zinger
I think any emphasis was so the audience could read the message and know Glenn will have at least one clue, should he see it.They had left it as a cliffhanger, too, re: why Maggie dug into the corpse's entrails. Now we got to find out she was being practical, not going off the deep

I dunno. I really believe the people (mostly women, I think) who say they'll stop watching the show if he is killed off. AMC might, too.
It would be pretty grim if Daryl DID die: not only because the show's male sexy factor would plummet, but because he's such a hopeful character. That is, he symbolizes hope: having

Until we saw Daryl's motorcycle, I thought this wasn't a flashback but maybe an introduction to a new character… he just didn't look the same to me (it wasn't just the facial hair).
I get really used to everyone wearing the same outfit, and am thrown when they change clothes, apparently.
Maybe he didn't even change

I can only say that I enjoyed this episode more. I found it more entertaining and engaging, story-wise:
1)There were actually not-too-heavy-handed, satisfying nods to a developing romantic relationship btwn D and B
2) Funeral home was a creative and fascinating setting
3) Creepy mystery of dustless, pristine kitchen

Love blinded him.

Polite zombies wait for someone to answer the door before entering. They were simply raised right.

I thought Sasha had the most realistic reaction to the sign: there has to be a catch, right? Too good to be true? Funny, too: did Sanctuary hire an ad agency to come up with the catchy slogan of, "Those Who Arrive Survive"? (If it rhymes, it must be true!)

I assumed maybe stuff like her being a firefighter is in the graphic novel version of TWD?

I was watching the show on a tv where things were set up so when you hit the mute button, closed-captioning kicks in. It helped.

Hold up: did we see Tara's sister die (or have a character tell us she died)? If so, I missed it.

I know! Have either Beth or Maggie mentioned each other since the prison?

Without having read all 700 of the comments, I will add what are possibly unoriginal thoughts:

I would add that if a person - man or woman - is "outspoken" (I am not even sure what the consensus is on that word's meaning: opinionated? obnoxious? highly critical?), you can dislike them not for his/her gender, but because you find the person annoying in interviews or as a guest on a talk show, for instance.

Fair enough. But I wish, when they had to take on a new person, they'd rotate a few potential choices. The new guy just isn't very good. He must be Lorne Michaels' nephew or something.

I think he's talented, but I don't necessarily like his recurring characters. Especially What's Up With That guy. I think people wouldn't bitch about SNL so much (I know I wouldn't) if they didn't take one-joke sketches and make them into recurring ones.

I really do think interrupting the host during the monologue is hackneyed by now. Sort of like a few years ago when they kept doing that questions-from-the-audience thing. I think they need to save that kind of gimmick for sports stars or politicians or people who aren't professional comedians or actors.

You know, I fear it wasn't for any other reason than so we could watch him light it to set the house aflame. "Do you get it guys?? He's burning his past! And he's setting MONEY on fire because he isn't his old thiefy self!" No doubt the symbolism was lost on all of us until Daryl and Beth made their vulgar hand

It's too bad they don't test drive Weekend Update co-hosts. I wouldn't mind seeing Jay Pharaoh at the wheel.

I was responding to the Worst Episode of Anything Ever part: I stand by my Dexter Season Finale comment.

On The Talking Dead, there was this "Behind the Scenes" piece where they said there had been a class struggle at the country club between the club staff and its members… it sounded like everyone got holed up there together and eventually turned on each other.