
They did talk about Merle, though. Daryl talked about how he pretty much just did everything that Merle said. I think Beth even asked Daryl if he missed Merle.

re: the Daryl taking the cash — that was interesting, wasn't it? I had several thoughts:
1) It could be old habit — Merle said something about the two of them were going to rob everyone in the original camp from Season 1… so that was just the kind of thing they did.
2) He used the wad to start a fire at the end of the

I believe it had to do with the app getting its own rating (a "5") — I think they all felt played? Someone else can hopefully explain it better…

I am pretty sure he's alive. Can't remember if we've seen him. I am hoping they all don't end up at Sanctuary… yet.

Technically, that clock going ding dong would have meant someone wound it up recently. It could have been an interesting clue, but I don't think this show thinks that way.

Really? It would make sense, and I am sure the clues are there, but I love TWD, but this is the least subtle show I have ever seen. So I am guessing that in the universe of the show, they never had sex.
P.S. Once when Norman Reedus was on The Talking Dead, he was asked if Carol and Daryl would get together. And

One other thing: why are the choices on this show for character travel always either walking or driving? Someone should scrounge up some bicycles. Not doing so is probably purely because it would look dorky on film. Much more post-apocalyptic to see everyone wander around on foot.

I never make comments like this (wishing death on a character), but I was so disappointed initially that this was a Beth episode, I actually hoped she would have gotten bitten by the zombie in the club house.
Ever since that terrible subplot in S2 where she was suicidal and we didn't know her but were supposed to care,

Dude. You never saw the series finale of Dexter, huh?

Chris McKenna's account ;)

Logan's Run, for me. That was the only specific visual one.

Was it 6 days? If so, maybe that was a biblical analogy. Facism is the new God. Oh, Shirley… you forgot what Jesus would have done… :(

Wow. Good eye!

This century already has a The Prisoner for this century, though: Ian Mckellan played Number One. it was different than the original, not always in a good way, but man. Anything with Mckellan!
Also, I appreciate the analogy. Many people haven't heard of that show.

I enjoyed that announcement. This episode was full of knowing allusions to many pop culture phenomena, including the Simpsons. The announcement reminded me of when we found out that Seymour Skinner was the fake Seymour Skinner, and the town agreed at the end to forget the whole fiasco, as the real Seymour Skinner rode

I've found that unlike many message boards, the AV Club is lean on idiots. And if someone who has a different opinion on something than someone else is an idiot, then everyone is an idiot.

One thing I noticed is that on most 2-meowmeowbeenz comedies, they would have created Shirley's manipulativeness trait just for this episode, and then we'd never hear about it again. But the characters are well-developed enough on "Community" that you can do this sort of thing. No matter what you thought the episode

5 meowmeowbeenz for paying such good attention! My bad French translates the title to The Workers' Despair. Fictional reference, alluding to Les Miserables, perhaps?

Upvote for South Park/Community crossover idea… cartoon Jeff vs. Cartman! Excellent!

I felt a bit left out of the Koogler joke: a personal pet peeve for me is when shows do that "this character you've never seen before has been here the whole time and everyone knows him really, really well!" (They did that all the time on latter seasons of Little House, and it made me nuts.)
I know the show was making