
Unbelievable. Assholes in Hollywood, of all places!

I thought she was quite good: new guy was pretty awful. At least so far.

I really did like the 12 Years a Slave auditions sketch: Jay Pharaoh… perfect! And then Bobby Moynihan at the end was a treat. He's like Will Ferrell in that he always brightens a sketch.

Although I was initially surprised by the low grade, the summary of the show backs it up. But I actually enjoyed the show, because my expectations about it have been so low lately. However, it seems like the cast is getting into a groove.

And if James Cameron directed! If he could upgrade from sinking the Titanic to sinking the Ark, he could actully I prove he was God, instead of just thinking it.

I watched the premiere episode, and most of the jokes fell flat. They're clearly still getting their act together at the show. My favorite part was Meyers' story about not being able to change his own flat tire. If he sticks with the self-deprecating stuff, I think it will serve him well. And I've always loved Fred

I've got to defend the book. So, so good, but really depressing! (I can see why it could be dull as taught in high school, depending on the teacher.)
Thomas Hardy made the sex scene (when Alec D'Urberville impregnates Tess) ambiguous as to whether or not things were consensual, and the interpretation of whether it was

And the No Whammies! one.

Reminds me: I don't miss Pierce.

I may need to watch this episode again. I generally agree with the grades given to the episodes here, as well as the content of the reviews, but initially, anyway, I would have given the episode a lower grade.

Ralph Fiennes' hotness in it makes up for a lot.

In an interview?

I liked Forrest Gump very much at the time: and it had a dynamite soundtrack. You can make an intriguing argument whether or not the only worthwhile art is stuff that is timeless.

Good post. Not sure if I am just being nostalgic or what (probably), but most of the movies I want to see these days either are not in a theater anywhere near me, or they come and go in about a week. (Examples of movies I wanted to see but which left local theaters fast or weren't there in the first place: The

American Beauty is a special pet peeve with me. I did enjoy it the first time I watched it, but it really doesn't stand up well to scrutiny. And it still bothers me that the Kevin Spacey character was all set to have sex with his daughter's teenage friend until she revealed that no, she wasn't actually slutty.

In case anyone is still reading this ep's board: Do we know how long Tara had been schlepping about with Abraham and Co after meeting them? The "Aww, you finally smiled!" moment between Tara and A. made it seem like it had been a few weeks. But then, it seemed like Glen had been passed out/delirious for the duration,

I remember that Oprah really wanted it to win Best Picture, and had the entire cast on her show as guests. That should have warned us all against us.

Alternate title to this question: What Best Picture winner made you suspect the Oscars are bullshit? The reviewers bring up some excellent examples, reminding us that the nominees for the category, together, can be a good "what to see" list for that year, but the winner is often dead wrong.
Good call, especially, with

You would think one of the benefits of society falling apart would be the loss of certain points ofetiquette. Why NOT tell someone to lose the comb over? Live for today! Life is short. Too short to not suggest a more flattering hairstyle to.a mullet-wearer. No one should sure looking like that.

She is a lesbian, correct.