
I might be misunderstanding what you meant, but the CDC was in Atlanta. So I do think Glenn would have mentioned the CDC, but it *seemed* like Eugene wasn't necessarily looking for a CDC-type place in Washington.

I think they just used water or ate it dry. Definitely didn't have milk, even powdered.

I was thinking that Eugene was going to get killed by the zombies, and the secret would have died with him. Although that did not happen, he had better write it (if it exists) down just in case.
Or learn to share.

Apparently, it varies. Seems like things have sped up, but Amy in Season 1 took a few hours.

I was also pleasantly surprised Rick initially simply hid under the bed: smart. Hard to imagine that in his weak state, he could overpower bathroom guy, but he was super-motivated, I guess.

She's still fighting the good fight, I guess. And language evolves…

Not me… I want it all!

Also, it's "sneaked," not "snuck" (which my sister constantly reminds me).

I wish they were a little bit pickier, re: host countries. China, Russia? What's next, North Korea?

I appreciated the recommendation of the DA podcast, and would like to return the favor… in case this link doesn't work, just search for, If Downton Abbey Took Place Entirely on Facebook (website is happyplace.com): http://happyplace.someecard…

And then his having a secret fortune sealed it for him. The interesting aspect of Mary getting together with him (mixing of classes) is therefore obliterated.
Julian Fellowes is f***ing fired. If only!

Thank you for mentioning the glaring absence of Rose's parents! I would have paid cash money to see shit go down between O'Brien and… anyone at all.
(If Rose hated her mom so much, why deviously arrange a lady's maid for her. Fellowes logic, I guess.)

Season 4 Pet Peeves:

I'm with you on that. Just kind of thinking aloud.

No one had better tell Abed about dropping old reviews of Cougarstown. :(
He lives for that comments section.

Loved Maclaine's line to him about having traveled three-and-a-half thousand miles to change the subject!

You know, though? I think she's *supposed* to be kind of dumb, as opposed to being a smart character who maddeningly does stupid things.
But she did the right thing by staying in England: her father-in-law adores her, for instance. I am sure she'll stay at Downton for now, as it's been her home for so long, but maybe

Thanks for posting that. Reviewer nails it, esp, when he says Fellowes takes the viewers' loyalty for granted.
ps: I think most of us will still tune in, at least when the show first airs; it's in repeat viewings that gaping problems like ridiculous plot points and having characters do stuff inconsistent with their

Edith had already decided to buck society's expectations by dating a married guy; in the long run, a baby coming out of it just seems consistent, in a way. It's not as if she was shattering a perfect set-up. She's right… she's not like Sybil in not caring what people think of her, but it seems she has already decided

re: taking the kid from the adoptive family to be with birth mom; happily, I think we're working in what someone here referred to as "tv logic." In real life, it would be a cruel thing for Edith to do, but since it's tv we root for Edith.
EDIT: oh, crap: I forgot that the baby isn't actually going to live with Edith.