
Thank you for highlighting this season's new favorite word: Golly. Holy crap is that annoying.

So they'd be chubby kids. :) I have a memory, though, of Alfred being very meat-and-potatoes. Didn't he turn up his nose at anchovy paste once? Seems bad for a chef.

I also thought the thing with the random charity drive to be pretty contrived. And I wondered if Bates was going to slug Anna for not letting him go through his pocket first. He seemed ready to erupt over that.

Not yet…

Kind of bummed out by Branson's looming romance with Teacher lady. She seemed cool at first, but now is reminding me too much of that pushy maid, Edna, that everyone hated. And at least until she drugged Branson, Edna was more sympathetic (in theory): she just wanted to make her life better. Freckles just seems to

I would like to have seen some of the medal ceremonies. Do they not show those anymore?

I felt like she wrote out these little comments that she felt were beautiful and profound, and then read them aloud slowly, so the audience could savor them. So annoying.

Like a lot of people here, I had also somehow mostly seen censored versions of Ghostbusters. Was very surprised when I saw what the ghost was actually supposed to be doing to Dan Ackroyd under the covers. Or maybe I saw the "real" version and it wasn't until I was older that I understood what was going on?

Silence of the Lambs is one of those movies where the censored, broadcast tv version is perfect for me. None of the visually awful stuff that just made me wonder why I'd watch a movie like that.
Meanwhile, still mourning the loss of the priceless VHS copy I had of Pulp Fiction, from when it ran on broadcast tv. Too

The word, "preemptive" comes to mind. Maybe proactive is a shorter way of saying "preemptively active."

I am kind of worried Thomas's next target will be Molesley.

I think he said he learned the forgery in prison, though.

I don't think so. I do think it was a suicide.

She's in a Hollywood movie… forget what it's called, but it takes place on a plane, and in the previews, she slugs someone in the face! Excellent. :)

I also think Blake looks a bit like Joseph Gordon-Levitt: his face, at least, when he smiles. I also notice Gillingham's overbite.

That could lead to the ultimate round of hot make-up sex… I'm with those who think Carol is covering up for Lizzy, though.

I've watched the episode twice now, and I cringe inwardly when Tom insists to the teacher lady that he doesn't believe in "types," only "people." Wasn't it only a month or so ago he almost left Downton, based on the fact he didn't feel like he fit in with their "type"?
PS: He doesn't believe in types: he just believes

Yes, it seemed like she (teacher lady) was digging into him, in the style of that maid everyone hated.

I was hoping the reviewer would call out Bates on his behavior towards Anna this episode. It was one thing to gauge her attitude towards the rapist valet when he was trying to work out if Green was in fact the guilty party. But what was the point of Bates needling her - "Have you now gone off him?" - now that he

I hope they won't. More interesting this way. It would be nice if Carol could get with a cool guy, though. She's earned some smooches.