
It somehow hadn't been spoiled for me, so it really was a good scene. And I *almost* wanted Glenn to be dead, if only because it would have been very powerful.

Sure. But I could have used a courtesy shot of her (or a "someone") watching the battle from a distance. Could be it was a cut scene. After all, we can predict in advance what most of the characters do: what is interesting is to see how they do it.

2) My theory is someone who got in the bus had gotten bitten, with the usual results.

On The Talking Dead, Jim Gaffigan points out Tyreese's need for a Baby Bjorn. So right.

everyone does :(

The zombies are kind of wasteful with chow. They'll start digging into someone, only to see a human walk by, and then abandon their meal… sometimes getting shot for their trouble. Where's Mom to say, "You clean your corpse! There are starving zombies in Atlanta!"

I was glad, then, that Glenn (or Glen) rooted around the prison for extra weapons and gear before leaving. I know people bitch about a lot of stuff on this show, but the not-learning-from-their-mistakes theme does make me a bit nuts. You can definitely still have conflict and shit storms with the characters acting

T something. Bone. Dog, can't remember.



They should just make the best of things, what with Lizzy (apparently) being a heartless sociopath… she could do the kills of the mortally injured, where everyone stands around looking embarrassed and hoping someone else will do it. Example:
Carol to Lizzy (pointing to helpful railroad tracks stranger): "Put 'em down,

I guess, too, the zombies can smell living people (remember when Rick and Glen covered themselves in z guts when trying to get out of Atlanta?) I am not sure the show has stayed true to that ZA premise: they make it seem like it's mostly all good as long as the zombies don't see or hear you.

I assumed they killed the rabbits to eat? But if L did just kill them for the hell of it, I would assume it was her "getting out" killing a young thing, having at least thought about killing Judith.

lol, nice.

This is where I am once again missing community grading. I would have given this episode an A- or B+. I only just thought Carol showing up like that was a bit too convenient.

Agreed. And in "reality," we'd also see zombie kids in the herds, for example. I've not noticed any z kids, apart from Season 1, episode 1. I think the writers are wisely working from a "no one wants to see that" stance. (Also, fewer child actors to deal with = bonus.)

Yeah, on The Talking Dead, they said that the creators deliberately recreated the cover of one of the comics (no. 53?) with those poses. Fan service, I guess.

And to perhaps a lesser extent, James Brooks with stuff like The Simpsons, Will and Grace, et al.


Could be a sister? Now that I think of it, she almost has to be a family member. It would be far-fetched (not that that is always an obstacle here) to have such sway over a random person from his past.