
You gotta back this up.

Still getting acquainted with the concept of "fan service," which I mostly hear brought up in connection with "Sherlock." Seems like the phrase is ubiquitous with the phrase "too much." What does this mean in a DA context, though?

Oh, you know… the guy broke in the back door, downstairs. That doesn't count….PS: No need for the locks to be changed — only Mary and Bates were told that a stranger did it, and Bates knows that's not true. It would have been a nice gesture, though, if Mary had insisted on better security for protection of the

Did anyone else have The Walking Dead-themed deja vu upon seeing the sick pig?;)
I genuinely did.

Did we find out where Carl was trying to lure the two zombies? Had he dug a trench or something? I like Carl and the actor who plays him, but it's dumb to walk backwards, even in a non-ZA!
It was fun to watch him eat pudding while sitting on the roof, though, and initially admiring the video games. Nice that he can

My conclusion is that the show is somewhat inconsistent in this regard: re, what zombies can and can't do. However, maybe if you were smart when you were human, you are also a smart zombie? Nah, I think zombies in the show gain or lack "skills," as needed.

Maybe he wasn't the show runner, but the guy who makes great commentary (who I was thinking) of is Al Green.

Good call with ER and NYPD Blue. Dr. Greene as the guy Everything Bad Happens to was awful.

just stop after season 3 with Buffy. worth your time. :)

I feel like Seinfeld got that way at the end. None of the characters were ever humanitarians, and George was always a jerk. But watching bad human beings do mean people things (like drug your toy-collectioning gf) isn't really that funny.

My family and I used to play Balderdash at every major holiday. Then we graduated to Beyond Balderdash. But it takes so damn long to finish a game, we usually never start anymore.

We are all Rita, and we should have left when John Lithgow killed us.

Didn't the writers watch the last season of the Brady Bunch?


During the season 5 commentary, they talk about the awesomeness of getting to the first 100 episodes and then wonder how many seasons the show will air for. Then they JOKE about running the thing into the ground. But I think all those guys are gone now. There was a really good showrunner whose name escapes me.


No doubt it's been said before, but I eventually only watched Seinfeld and Friends out of loyalty. To whom I was being loyal, I do not know. Nostalgia, I guess.

I think they would have been better off not trying to explain almost anything. Once you learned the explanation, it nearly always seemed dumb.
Example: Jacob, when it wasn't clear if Ben Linus was making him up or not to trick John Locke, was way more interesting than the truth.
It felt like when someone tells a pretty


Yes, please! It would be a great excuse, too, to get Shirley Maclaine (sp) back onscreen. I suppose Cora and Robert would have to be played by younger actors, but I would only watch with Shirley M.