
She sure treats him like crap sometimes, though. I don't think she ever apologized for that shot she took of him back when she was going to marry Sir Richard. After he told her he couldn't leave Downton Abbey and she said something about how butlers were a dime a dozen. We all know that even when someone apologizes

There are minor ones like Gwen — I *think* Ethel was introduced in Season 1, so she'd also count? There are probably some others. But yes, I think "half" may have been an exaggeration.

Holy crap! I am all over that. Especially since he kind of reminded me of Logan…

I will have to rewatch it — in their second scene together, when she said she had the right to order him around, she was out of line, but it seemed like Thomas was the rude one initially when he said she should go down to the kitchen herself. So I was thinking it was just very Thomas of him to not pass along the

I lol'ed at Butler-off!

Did anyone else find it a bit far-fetched that the nanny would say/feel that stuff about baby Sybil? It's not as if nannies are high up on the class scale. What motivation would she have to to viciously outsnob the Dowager Countess? I think that invention of Julian F's was just too convenient. Meanwhile, I know some

Don't the Granthams know by now that Thomas is always full of sh**?
There is a very funny and clever graphic novel called "Agent Bates and the Secret Adventures of Devonton Abbey" that highlights what I never quite noticed: Lord and Lady Grantham are dumb.

Meanwhile, who is butler for Isabel? Isn't that post open?

Completely agree about Edna.

Is there a button for WTF?

He does initiate some stuff, though. He took the lead over Merle to rescue the people on the bridge, back in S3. And I think he led at least one of the raids: the med supply one. I like the theory, but I don't think it quite works.

I've found rats to be excellent drinking buddies. Perhaps he didn't.

Not officially. Currently the option doesn't exist. Hopefully feature will return.

Good noticing thar. :)

Great post! Before the Gov killed Pete, I thought perhaps the Governor ruled the guy out as a leader because Martinez let himself get drunk: a ZA no-no.

This was the first episode where I thought, "Hmmm… Martinez is kind of hot." And then they had the actor who plays him on Talking Dead. And he was even hotter. Yowza!
Pete was also exquisitely handsome.
I think that's what motivated the Governor: he wanted to make sure he was the most attractive male camper. Mitch was

Didn't make it through all the comments, but in Stray Observations, it is said that zombies wiped out the camp where Pete and Co. admired the supplies.
But weren't the supplies gone when the camp was shown as decimated? My impression was another person or group killed all of those people for the supplies.
Hey, and if it

It would have been welcome if one of the camping group had said something like, "You know, we were actually doing pretty well until you got here, Brian…"
I think Bad Brother should probably have spoken up and tried to convince everyone to go to the prison, now that he's smoking the same stuff as the Governor is, and

The baby wasn't part of the In Memoriam on the Talking Dead. I think on tv shows and possibly movies, you need a body for the audience to know for sure if a character is dead. The characters only assume.

I did think this episode deserved an A. It seemed like the B- was a grade for the series.