
Actually, I think Rick isn't supposed to be the smart one. But he has become smart enough to realize that his own judgment isn't always great.

It looked pretty awesome, though. I think we can all agree that's the important thing.

Thanks! btw, I think a handy accessory for that meeting would have been "Hi, My Name is.." stickers. I'm pretty sure those are not an item that would have gotten looted from Staples first thing. Then again, perhaps Sharpies would have gotten cleaned out first. Never mind.

Would a SPOILER ALERT be appropriate here? Always appreciated…

Stay in the house, Carl…

edit: the actress who plays Beth

Did anyone else wonder how the Governor knew who Hershel was? I guess Hershel would know who the Governor was, but, well, I guess maybe I'm losing track of who-knows-who. Just like on "Lost" when you couldn't remember who hadn't seen who for months.

It was also pretty incredible that Hershel managed to creep along on the grass with this head cut half off. Nearly-Headless Hershel.

Didn't we establish on Day 1 that the series isn't sticking to the graphic novel?

I think Michonne must be able to apparate. Remember in "Clear" when they're outside of the bar she tells Carl she'll brb and two seconds later she comes back with the framed photo as well as a White Elephant gift?

When will they announce if there is a Season 3?

In a world without technology, a down-on-his-luck conman and a happy-go-lucky waitress discover that love is the best electricity.

Actually, I think that's how you're supposed to pitch a show! "It's like Seinfeld, but with zombies!"

Thanks for posting that. Their defense is pretty unconvincing. What does it tell you when they reassure us that changes are being made?

RIP, Phil Hartman. You are still missed.

No, (PETA-supporting vegan speaking here) it's not okay for animals to be used in those ways, but it's the lying that stands out here. Even if the movie makers lie about animal treatment, it's even more disturbing when the people who are supposed to be monitoring animal welfare lie about it.

Yes. I would much rather have an original sketch, even if it's a bit weak, than see the show take up with a recurring character that wasn't funny the first time. I had assumed that recurring characters were ones that were meant to be there just for one sketch, but then when it turned out they were really popular and

I was really surprised that we were watching HBO tonight and this thing all of a sudden rolled on: maybe partly because comedy doesn't seem big (so far) with HBO. Still, though, this seems more like something Comedy Central would put on after Tosh.O. No appeal to me whatsoever. EDIT: This is my first exposure to

I love writing like this that's funny without being obvious — and you don't even know why it's funny: maybe it wouldn't be if the actors didn't say it so perfectly. Example: Alex Borstein's character whining about how they work "possibly ten TIMES harder" than the other place down the street!

I am perfectly willing to go with Good Willow. She could actually save the ZA world. I mean, Buffy can kill the zombies one by one, but Willow casts spells that wipe out thousands at a time.