
I vehemently respect your disagreement.

Casting Call: Sam I Am?

I just remember the sex scene between Randall Flagg and the good-lady-turned-bad. And then there was someone (the same lady?) who came on to a guy by saying, "Coffee, tea, or me?"

Holy crap. that part pretty much ruined the book for me. I think it was supposed to be this sweet, touching thing but it was just: ick.

It's fun to speculate who would be ground up into pie meat and to whom it would be served, but I think the main problem is Walter can't bake.

Yes. I think that a show has to build up some credibility to get away with stuff like that, and I think that Breaking Bad earned it. Sort of like the tv version of political capital.

Also, name me an awesome Stephen King sex scene. Hmmm…

I swear, some quite good Stephen King novels have suffered some horrible adaptations. I think that The Stand would make a great one-season show. Maybe part of the problems with casting King's characters is that the strengths of the books (imho) lie in the fascinating, eerie, and horrible things that happen and how

Wow! I watched it a second time and still didn't get it. Well-spotted!

Probably the boss wasn't handsome like David Morrissey, either. :(

I felt and feel these movies don't work well, because the whole book is stuff that Katniss is thinking, not stuff she's doing. I mean, obviously she DOES stuff in the books, but it's hearing her internal dialogue about it all that makes the books engaging.
Also, Peeta is so miscast in this. Not really a fan of the dude

Well, I will say this: although its predecessors were about kids killing each other for entertainment value, the third book was the most depressing. That's quite an accomplishment.

I like Morgan on The Mindy Project, but he was trying reeeaalllly hard to be funny, and he succeeded a lot, but it became a bit much. I think David Morrissey got sick of it after a while. I kind of did, too.

I liked how they showed, at least a little, how ZA survivors pass the time, and how they get bored. Not sure why last year at the jail, they didn't seek out the prison library sooner… and why Rick didn't play a game of catch or whatever with Carl while they were at the farm, so he didn't just wander off in the woods.

And his new gf looks like Maggy. Ugh!

I don't think they were saying that it would make sense; just that it was a possibility. This show always makes sense, so it's safe GovernoRick would never, ever happen.

I think I can safely speak for all of the viewers when I say if they weren't heavy-handed as regards metaphors and symbolism, we totally wouldn't get it. For instance, back in Season 2, when Shane and Rick drove out to the middle of nowhere and had The Talk and Rick told Shane, "Don't be evil anymore, m'kay?" they

I think we can assume the girls will find out about the Governor's past.
Question: if you were them, would you stay with him anyway? I actually think I would. Up to or until he wanted me to kill someone.
In other words, not what you think THEY will do, but what YOU would do.

I think if it was Spaghettios with the tiny processed meatballs, it would have made all the difference.

Yes, everyone I know (including me) who read the books liked Catching Fire the most.